Visa denial in Delhi? what to do


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Please...Visa denial in Delhi? what to do

My sister last came here 3 years back (1999) and went back in the stipulated 3 months. Now she was planning to come again with my parents in summers.

Today she got her visa denied at Delhi. My parents got the the Visa but she was refused on 214(b).

She is now in 2nd year collage and had a NOC from the collage. But the counseler never looked at the papers and was stuck on number of days of vacations my sister intended to take. She has no intention to stay here.

She is palnning to reapply but what are the other documention/advice that will help.

Please suggest/help
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Yes it was their second time too...

last time, my paresnts came with my sister. Back then (1999), they used to give 6 months

This time I don't know what the duration is..they will find out only once they get the passports (in 7 days I hope)

They are 60+
still its better than rejection.......

My parents visa got rejected three yrs back at the Delhi Consulate......

Don't know they will get this time or not.......they are planning to apply again in another 3-4 months.

wht questions were your parents asked this time???

B1 Visa Question- Quick one

My parents are going to apply for visitor visa. my qustion is do they have to go early in the morning and wait in line or Appointment system thru TT visa works??

Some sites are telling me about appointment but i still wanna make sure from all u who have experienced this in recent times.
please share in a line or so.
