Virginia Dl Renewal


New Member
My current status is J1 intership visa. I got my DL in Virginia Beach, VA half an year ago and as my visa is going to expire at the end of september my driving license will too.
I've been told that I can obtain a valid DL in North Carolina for 5 years nomather of my visa status.
So, today I went in a city of NC and tried to do the trick. But all I got was trouble and more problems.
First, I had a proof of residence from another city different from the one I tried to get my license(for some reason). I've been asked why I don't go to get my DL in the city I am residence in North Carolina and somehow I managed to convienced the unpolite and rude clerk for my reasons to do that.
It's seems that she cannot do anything legal to stop me from getting my DL in any city at any DMV office in NC altough it looked very suspicious.
So, I did the written test and was just about to have my new DL done when they saw I have a restriction on my Virginia license revealing that it will expire september.Then they asked me for my passport and I don't know why the hell I gave it to them. The result is that i have a new NC license with the same expiration date as my previous one. Plus I have no intention to move and live in NC.
So my question is do you guys know if I go one more time to another DMV office and not tell them that i have a valid DL I can get learners permit and then after road test a new license. And if they dont see my license can they see the restricion in there computer system. I just wonder if they have data base and when i give them my SSN they can see that I already have DL.
Or can you tell me some other sugestions how can I solve this mess. There is no renewal online but just dublicate with the same expiration date.
Thanks in advance
BTW: Why do you need DL after September? Your status is expiring. You must go back home and leave the USA.
Well, I need it coz I will try to extend my visa, let's say a tourist visa. But they not going to let me extend my DL too. So I cannot ride a car as a tourist?
kardinal said:
Well, I need it coz I will try to extend my visa, let's say a tourist visa. But they not going to let me extend my DL too. So I cannot ride a car as a tourist?

Sorry, I wrote some post, but it didn't post even. Here is what I was mean:

Now you can't go to the NC DMV ans ask for Learner Permit showing the same documents. They will have your SSN in the computers and that you already have valid driving license! This is serious crime to apply for driving license, when you already have on. Even if you are moving to another state, DMV is checking in the federal database where you have valid driving license. YOu can only have one valid driving license in the USA. So if they will type your SSN, they will know where you have your current driving license and they need to cancel your previous license and issue you new one.

What I suggest you to do is: go back to Virginia and apply for driving license. Leave your NC driving license to them. Then surrender your DL saying you are leaving the country.

Then go back to the NC and apply for learner permit. OF course there will be a question about haveing driving license in the NC state before. You can try to not provide them this information, but their computers can find you by SSN. So this is another problem.

But what I suggest to you is:

- GET ITIN! I know you are not permited, bacause you have SSN, but getting ITIN is very easy. Fil out the ITIN application, check appendix h) OTHER = havng bank account, get letter from your bank saying you have bank account at their institution and attach to ITIN form.

You will get ITIN in 6 weeks.

Go to NC DMV, present documents and ITIN. Do not show SSN. Do not show your driving license from NC and other states.

You will get DL for 5 years.