Videotaping during Interview

Why would that matter ? Afraid you may commit purjury unknowingly ?:D

Anyway to answer your question... No. If you read other interview experiences here and in Usenet there is no mention of all applicants being videotaped
Maybe wanting payment for acting fees..:)

I conducted my interview in February in Newark, NJ and there was no videotaping done. At least not that I could see the camera...:)
To my knowledge there is no videotaping done overtly.
If there is any videotaping, it must be a hidden camera, videotaped without interviewee's knowledge or consent.
This may be possible but unlikely!
It is certainly illegal. If they do so, they should put it into law and tell everybody openly, but not to use any hidden cameras (if any).

It is the basic right for people in this country, right?
....unless you come under the Part 2, Patriot Act rules-which may not apply to most of us.

Under these rules, under certain circumstances, the Fed. Govt has no obligation to inform you if you are videotaped, wire tapped, etc
Could you give more details about this government rule? It looks weird anyway, especially in this democratic society where human rights are highly respected. Videotaping with informing the interviewees is against human rights.
Talking of the Patriot Act, in 2003 there was an attempt to introduce what is called Patriot Act II. One of the provisions was for the DOJ (Dept of Justice) to Denatualize someone they think is a "threat". DeNatz is an **EXTREME** measure used on fmr Nazi members and severe Human Rights Violators.

Thankfully the act died in its infancy.

Its unfortunate that its named as such...

There was an internet monitoring system codenamed "Carnivore". It was installed on all ISPs to monitor ALL email/surfing habits. The name caused quiet a furore. They changed it to something less catchy.

Back to the thread - > if the Govt was watching u and spying on u via provisions of the Patriot Act, its unlikely u will end up in an CIS adjudication room for an interview:D..
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Maybe USCIS is selectively video taping for training purposes and/or to provide better customer service :D