vfs appointment


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Anyone who has success in getting appointments using the VFS system. Could you please share your observations on when the slots are getting opened like early mornings or weekends etc..Whenever I look it shows the dates of October..

Also my friend is going to cancel his appointment..I badly need that appointment date. Is it possible to walk into VFS chennai and request them a favor to swap/adjust the appointments..any one had a similar experience.

or the other way is he can cancel his appointment and I also can be ready infront of the PC to grab that..but still not sure whether the vfs system will immediately show the appointment dates.

well, yes. it is very tricky with the VFS. nvars.com atleast indicates how many weeks in advance they will release thedates. The VFS guys are still learning the system.

if you qualify for emergency appointment, you can take it anywhere in India. or you might explore canada.

otherwise, you have to keep checking often whenever you get the opportunity.
ciscodude said:
Anyone who has success in getting appointments using the VFS system. Could you please share your observations on when the slots are getting opened like early mornings or weekends etc..Whenever I look it shows the dates of October..

Also my friend is going to cancel his appointment..I badly need that appointment date. Is it possible to walk into VFS chennai and request them a favor to swap/adjust the appointments..any one had a similar experience.

or the other way is he can cancel his appointment and I also can be ready infront of the PC to grab that..but still not sure whether the vfs system will immediately show the appointment dates.

tusharvk..this is for first time H4 in chennai. so no emergency appointment.
I called vfs and asked about transfer or mutual swap of appointments..they said it is not possible.

I called 2 VFS reps about when the appointment slots get open..One rep told me that if some one cancels the website will show it immediately and the other rep told me that US embassy would open it at certain dates and times..very contradictory..not sure which one to believe..

I know my friend will cancel the date for me when I tell him but the sad part is I do not have a way to grab that...