Very very bad news, please please advise...


Registered Users (C)
1. about month ago, our Senator informed us our FBI name check have already been cleared in 2005 and result were sent back to USCIS at that time.

2. 2 weeks ago, USCIS informed us that our applications will be with an officer for review soon (awaiting for an assignment to an officer)

3. Today, i got an e-mail from UCCIS regarding the status of our cases, which says, "Your file was ordered and it was reviewed by a I-485 supervisor. It was determined that your FBI name checks are still pending. We apologize for any inconvenience'

What the F*** is this?
Why we are still pending for name check even it is already done by FBI 2 years ago?
Is that possible that USCIS considers the first name check expired and request a new one?
Has anybody have the similar experience?
Could anybody please share your thought and advise what we should be doing next?

This is really really dispointing and depressing.....
Same disaster for me

I spoke with NSC yesterday and they told me that my BackGround check is pending. They are not playing because I got the same information from National Service Center yesterday.

THis a bolt from the blue.

I had been to Info Pass - They said that everything was clear.
I Received response to service request - Visa Number not available. No mention of any checks.

Now, here I am absolutely broken and confused. Do not know what to do. Would probably go home early.

This f*%^(%#@ system does not work. Final.
this is totally broken

i almost lost it when i called a representitive in USCIS today. this whole system screwed people's life for 5 years! i started losing my believe to this country....
not reliable

I would urge you to be patient and not loose your hope. In response to my status enquirey they sent me letter that said my case was delayed due to pending security check.
10 days later my case got approved. You can go through your area Congressman office to find out the real status.
1. ) First time I had called NSC, I got a chance to talk to IO and she told me that its assigned to an IO and unless all the checks are cleared(background checks which includes name check, security checks etc) it wont be assigned to an IO

2.) I took Infopass and the officer there told me that my case is pending checks(background checks). I was pissed off untill I saw this Snippet from an Ombudsman report:
Additionally, from time to time USCIS transfers cases to use extra processing capacity in a particular office. The Ombudsman supports USCIS efforts to adjudicate cases expeditiously and fully leverage its human capital. However, USCIS IT systems are unreliable in tracking and providing precise numbers of pending family and employment-based green card applications when cases are transferred because different offices use separate, often unconnected, database systems

3.) Day before yesterday I called IO and he promised to send me an email regarding the status by end of the day but did not hear any thing from him.He took all my details and he was good to talk to.

4.) I called this after noon and spoke to IO and he was quite old I felt from h is voice. He told me that the background check is pending and I polietely tole him that every time I call i get different answers and asked him whats the reason. He looked further into the case and told me that my case is assigned to an officer. As per him unless all the checks are cleared it wont be assigned to an officer for review(which is true as I have heard the same from the first IO). Secondly and importantly he also told that when they receive the background check clearance from FBI or CSI or some xxx department, which is in the form of document/paper, there is a greatly chance that an IO have failed to update the system. This could be a very bad thing.
So just remember that attached to case with all the documents there is one particular document(paper form) that has the proof of all checks cleared.
If an IO does not update the system from the document into their system it could be a mess and you could get the same information from infopass and NSC Service centers. Also for the transfer cases since the local infopass appointment procedure is looking into different system then then NSC IOs , there is a great chance of goof ups.

To my understanding, namechecks/backgroundchecks etc etc. is not an issue now. Its just that stack and piles of application and IOs having tough time prioritizing the cases(PD vs RD )

I think that was more than 2 cents :)

PD:April 02,2002 (04/02/2002)
485 RD: 05/11/2005
CSC to NSC Transfer Date : 02/14/2007

-They have enough visa numbers until Aug/Sept.
-They will process mostly cases belongs to I 485 RD (little contradictory looking at some recent approval but more or less it is like that)
-They will process 01/02/03 cases ASAP next slow wagon would be 04/05 onwards. (do not get surpirsed if you 04 cases are approved left,right and center!!)
- If you want to have any hope for your case to be approved, YOU HAVE TO BE IN THAT POOL/STAGING AREA, otherwise it will be long wait before the water from pool get empty!!
- I do not think meeting with senators/Infopass etc help you to a great extent as it is all LUCK...again...LUCK...

and I wish you GOOD LUCL