****very urgent please help****


New Member
Hi All:

I attended for Visa interview in Nogales, Mexico on 20th of April and was issued a white form with administrative processing. After submitting the documents needed and waiting for about one week in Mexico, I returned to India fearing flu. Today I got a mail from Nogales consulate that they are ready to finalize my application and that the visa officer will make the final decision once I submit him a letter sttaing that I will continue to work for my present employer. They also mentioned that the desision is still open. They know that I am in India since they asked me for my current ontact information.

I have booked an appointment in Hyderabad for 15th of this month. When I though of withdrawing the Mexico application, I got the above said mail. Please please advise me what I can do now? what are my options?

Anyone heard of or gone through or are in similar siruation. Please help

Thanks a bunch.