very strange response from USCIS


Registered Users (C)
The senator received the following message from USCIS regarding my case:

"USCIS relies primarily on three background check mechanisms; the interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) name check, the FBI finger print check, and the FBI name check. For the vast majority of applicants, these mechanisms allow USCIS to quickly determine whether there is any criminal or security related eligibility issues. In the remaining cases, often referred to as pending, a match of some kind has been identified and must be resolved before any decision can be made on the petition or application. USCIS does not share with applicants or their representative's information regarding the specific nature of the match or status of any investigation. Even when the issues are ultimately resolved in the applicants's favor, and the vast majorities are, such investigations require time, resources and the patience."

Is this the common response from USCIS? Why did not they tell me whether I am in FBI name check or IBIS?