very strange case: EAC02-065-series


New Member
How do you interpret this situation:

My case and my wife's case status indicate that we have been approved (Jun 30). But my daughter's case status is the following:
"The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center."
So the next day (Jul-1)I called up the NSC and the help-desk person reiterated the status for myself and my wife (approved Jun 30). He said that since he couldnt read my daughter's status, he would forward my call to an IIO.
This is the response from the IIO :
She said my daughter' case is pending. So I asked her about mine and my wife's cases. She replied that both of these are also pending. I then made her aware of the status that I see on the web-site and the status given to me by the help-desk guy at the NSC: to which the IIO replied : that does not matter this is the ACTUAL status as she can see in her system

Guess I have to wait for 14 days to know the truth: but can anybody throw some light on this strange case of the missing status!


Give me your EAC #s and I check for you. -- just kidding :)
Wow What a mess there! So she was telling you that seeing (from the web by us) is NOT believing? Then what the hell is the purpose of this online status service? So either she or the system was crazy about your cases' status. Let's hope she was!
As for your daughter's case, I've read something like this on this forum, so nothing to worry about there assuming she is a minor (<14?). Good luck!:) :) :)
Dont Worry

This is standard status for kids once they get approval.
It changes to card ordered after two or three weeks. You will receive a welcome notice for your kid along with your approval letters. You kid should receive his/her card directly in three weeks time.

Best of luck
stange case

I hope you guys are right!

I will update the status as soon as I hear or receive any notification.


you mentioned that when you called up the National Customer Service Cenrer (the 1800 number) the person then connected you to an I.I.O.

1.Was this person an I.I.O. of the type that we could speak with by calling up the Vermont number before the 1800 National Customer Service Center came into being?

2. Did he / she have more information and (more importantly) was more forthcoming than the people at the 1800 Natioanl Customer Service Center?

3. If the answer to 1 and 2 above is "YES:, how do I get connected to an I.I.O. after calling the National Customer Service Center?

Thanks for your help.
Enjoy the freedom. This type of online message for the kids is common. Had you been reading the approval posts here, you would not have called the IIO. They need not be always right.
If the online message says you are approved, that's it.