Very CRITICAL Position !!!


New Member
Hello Friends, Need HELP

Iam in a critical position. My wife wants to bring her parents here on visitor visa but I don't want to (reason being I don't like them coming over here because I have to spend money from my pocket to bring them here..including flight tickets & medical insurance).

But my wife is forcing me to sent all the paper work. Iam gonna sent paperworks tomorrow. How I can screw their interview process?? What I need to do to make them from not getting the visitor visa. Help is realy appreciated.

Man you are on other side of the tide/current.

With the present rejection rate, your case automatically qualifies for a rejection because they reject more than they approve these days...

So even if you send in all the papers you have a good chance of getting the visa rejected (more chance of rejection than that of approval)

good luck (for rejection :)
Hi Tharun ,

Mention that you need her for pregnancy in the letter to the consulate.Its a sure shot winner.Good luck on your rejection.

this is a little bit off topic. But is there any particular reason why saying pregnancy would cause consulate to reject the visa. Does anybody know more details regarding this?
in all my time hanging around this forum this is the first time i have ever read a post asking for help on getting a visa rejected. congratulations. I think your in laws must have searched really hard to find a son in law like you. :)