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This forum has been amazing. Although, i haven't posted much, its really filled with very important information, and made my adventure through the immigration maze much easier. Because of this, i feel i should contribute back..
Little bit of background..I'm in the process of getting by GC based on a marriage petition (I-130). Everything went smoothly until i went to the interview. My interview itself was great, and petition approved, however, I got stuck in the name check. Its been pending for 7 months now since my interview. i made an INFOPASS and was told that my name check was submitted on March 30th 2006, meaning its been pending for almost 11 months now.
I read alot on this forum about contacting congressmen/senators to expedite name check w/ the FBI. I started contemplating doing the same.
However, I have a very good friend who works closely for a very important senator here in DC. Here is what she has to say: Senators get thousands of requests from people everyday. When the mail comes in, it gets sorted out based on priority, and such requests end up in the "lowest priority" bucket. She sees these letters come in everyday for different requests, and automatically go into this last pile to collect dust. For those very few lucky people that actually hear back, they are just randomly selected. less than 1% actually get answered. keep in mind, these letters are for all different reasons, not just immigration issues. She's like its very useless to consider sending letters, UNLESS you know someone in the office that can actually pull that request out and hand it over to the appropriate people in the senator's office.
My next question to her was "is it true that asking a senator to expedite FBI name check really works"? her answer was absolutly YES, but you have to know people inside the senator's office that will push this issue forward or know the senator personally.
From personal experience, I have family friends who have been trying to get their greencards for 10 years but their priority date kept on getting pushed back. Until they met a senator, and got to know him well. He pushed the issue forward, and they got the cards in the mail in 3 months!
I don't mean to discourage anyone, but i just wanted to shed some light to what really happens with these letter here in DC.
thanks for the valuable information. How about the letter to congressman? Seems they respond very quickly, but doesn't seem helpful.
This forum is definitely full of valuable information. However, it never suggested what you're saying. Congress representatives do answer the inquiries, only there is not much they can do. They can make inquiries on your behalf about the status of your case, find out when the name check was submitted to FBI, etc. But, they can't expedite name checks! And, they can't do anythig about priority dates either.
[/QUOTE] My next question to her was "is it true that asking a senator to expedite FBI name check really works"? her answer was absolutly YES, but you have to know people inside the senator's office that will push this issue forward or know the senator personally.
From personal experience, I have family friends who have been trying to get their greencards for 10 years but their priority date kept on getting pushed back. Until they met a senator, and got to know him well. He pushed the issue forward, and they got the cards in the mail in 3 months!
I don't mean to discourage anyone, but i just wanted to shed some light to what really happens with these letter here in DC. [/QUOTE]


This is an urban legend of immigration. While it is theoretically possible for a senator to speed up the name check process, it is extremely unlikely that an individual senator has the power to have someone's file picked out from the pile and processed right away.

And it is completely impossible for a senator to do anything about a priority date ----- if she were to do so (if that is even possible), she would be breaking the law.
The reason behind writing to Senator or Congressman is to collect the evidence to show that you have tried everything before suing USCIS. I think we all (especially who are stuck in NC) know that they can't do anything to expedite the process.


You were misled by your friends in the senator's office. :rolleyes: There is no senator who has the balls to move the FBI name check, because don't you think it will be unfair for people who aren't represented by senators?

It is more like going to an attorney, while there, he hints at the fact that he knows someone at the USCIS who, if you hire him, this friend can speed up your immigration process. Guess what? :confused: If you buy this nonsense, you are responsible for your own foolishness. :eek:

Anecdotal evidence do exist in a few cases where a senator's inquiry brings about a clearing of a name. However, in most cases, the FBI was done and never returned the name to USCIS, and the lawmaker's inquiry just reminded the FBI to send it to USCIS. :p After being at the Scooter Libby trial in the last couple of weeks, you will learn that people create urban myth for the sake of appearing invisible and important, your friends aren't excluded from this infantilism.... :(
wow..i didn't think i would be critized that much for what i said..i agree with one of the above should continue sending these letters to build up your case, in case, you decide to sue later on.
as for the info i provided earlier. i still stand by it. i live in DC and know how it works around here. Trust me, i know its unfair..i wish we can do something. anyway, i was just trying to shed some light, if you don't want to believe me, no harm done...
washingtondc79 said:
wow..i didn't think i would be critized that much for what i said..i agree with one of the above should continue sending these letters to build up your case, in case, you decide to sue later on.
as for the info i provided earlier. i still stand by it. i live in DC and know how it works around here. Trust me, i know its unfair..i wish we can do something. anyway, i was just trying to shed some light, if you don't want to believe me, no harm done...


I for one was not criticizing you ---- merely the information. I am very aware that you posted in good faith. However, I am curious, when you speak to your friend again, please ask him or her how the senators move up priority dates? I find that fascinating.
wow..i didn't think i would be critized that much for what i said..i agree with one of the above should continue sending these letters to build up your case, in case, you decide to sue later on.
as for the info i provided earlier. i still stand by it. i live in DC and know how it works around here. Trust me, i know its unfair..i wish we can do something. anyway, i was just trying to shed some light, if you don't want to believe me, no harm done...

I for one, can believe what you're saying...I used to work in the IT department of a lobbyist firm on K Street in DC and trust me I know exactly what you are talking about. I can't really go into specifics, but a lot of the policy making in this country happens on golf courses and at country clubs, thats a fact!

However, senators or congressmen/women are very weary of doing 'favors' for people they dont know very well. As to the question of whether a senator or congressman/woman can expedite an FBI name check for a 'friend', trust me, they can. The one thing that I have learnt about this country is that things often dont work the way they are supposed to 'on paper'. All they have to do is call up their 'college buddy FBI director' and voila! Name check cleared! Keep in mind, you have to know someone 'real high up' in the senator's office to get anything done.

Take for instance, recently Paris Hilton entered Germany with an expired passport. She was given a little trouble at the airport but after she called the US Ambassador, she was allowed to enter Munich. Ordinarily, an normal US citizen without influence would have been denied entry. Now this situation might be a little different but it illustrates my point that people who have influence usually get their way.

I dont claim to know the realm of their 'power' but senators and congressmen/women certainly have a lot more influence and power outside their perview. If you live and work in DC, you learn this very quickly...
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I for one, can believe what you're saying...I used to work in the IT department of a lobbyist firm on K Street in DC and trust me I know exactly what you are talking about. I can't really go into specifics, but a lot of the policy making in this country happens on golf courses and at country clubs, thats a fact!

However, senators or congressmen/women are very weary of doing 'favors' for people they dont know very well. As to the question of whether a senator or congressman/woman can expedite an FBI name check for a 'friend', trust me, they can. The one thing that I have learnt about this country is that things often dont work the way they are supposed to 'on paper'. All they have to do is call up their 'college buddy FBI director' and voila! Name check cleared! Keep in mind, you have to know someone 'real high up' in the senator's office to get anything done.

Take for instance, recently Paris Hilton entered Germany with an expired passport. She was given a little trouble at the airport but after she called the US Ambassador, she was allowed to enter Munich. Ordinarily, an normal US citizen without influence would have been denied entry. Now this situation might be a little different but it illustrates my point that people who have influence usually get their way.

I dont claim to know the realm of their 'power' but senators and congressmen/women certainly have a lot more influence and power outside their perview. If you live and work in DC, you learn this very quickly...

Oh... now I get it.... After contribution the maximum allowed to my senator's re-election campaign, now the treasury stop investigating me for wiring obscene amount of money overseas, in clear violation of US govt laws...:( Washington, DC can get your out of a tight-spot by calling your senator or contributing money...:eek: I am going to contribute more, and wire more money overseas, after all, calling my senator will get the DoJ of my back...

Plus... my name is in quagmire of name check.... I am going to write a check and call my senator, I should have USCIS clear this issue with the FBI by next of next week, when Congress in town...:rolleyes:

I understand the influence Congress members have, but with the FBI name check, anyone who dare think that a phone call from some lawmaker will clear someone who has felony records overseas, potential terrorist or foreign spy and get the USCIS to grant the immigration benefit, is misguided and delusional.:rolleyes:
Oh... now I get it.... After contribution the maximum allowed to my senator's re-election campaign, now the treasury stop investigating me for wiring obscene amount of money overseas, in clear violation of US govt laws...:( Washington, DC can get your out of a tight-spot by calling your senator or contributing money...:eek: I am going to contribute more, and wire more money overseas, after all, calling my senator will get the DoJ of my back...

Plus... my name is in quagmire of name check.... I am going to write a check and call my senator, I should have USCIS clear this issue with the FBI by next of next week, when Congress in town...:rolleyes:

I understand the influence Congress members have, but with the FBI name check, anyone who dare think that a phone call from some lawmaker will clear someone who has felony records overseas, potential terrorist or foreign spy and get the USCIS to grant the immigration benefit, is misguided and delusional.:rolleyes:

First of all, noone said anything about Elected officials being able to clear criminals in the name check process. I simply said they could expedite the process (move one's case to the top of the pile)....where you pulled the clearing 'felony records overseas, or potential terrorist' from, I have no clue. Please read the post before misquoting me.

The mere existence of lobbyist organizations proves undoubtedly that, to a degree, political processes can be influenced by individuals and motives outside of an elected official's constituency. Believe me, there is more corruption in Washington than most Americans would like to believe. It is a wonder to me how Americans are shocked at the likes of Jack Abramoff and his dealings with several elected officials, when it is only the 'stupid' ones that get caught. People should be worried about the ones that haven't been caught. The scandals that erupt out of washington every year are a testament to the 'balls' you claim these politicians dont have. However, like washington79 said, if you dont believe it possible if not probable, then no harm done.
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