Vacation time out of US!! HELP!


Registered Users (C)
Hello people..

My Company has filed for my vacation time
i took out of US..

Now its 5 1/2 months that i was out of US

 a) Has anyone obtained any extensions due
    to vacation taken outside.

 b) Is it true that recently INS is not extending
    stay of of US ie; can this time be really
    claimed back.?
    Have they given any notification of this sort
    Any links/pointers to this are appretiated.

  --"Another ditch in the road and u keep
     moving on " Savage Garden/Darren HAyes{ from the land down under!}
Yes time spent out can be recovered

If you have 5.5 spent months outside US you can use it towards extension of H1. Have not heard about any case in (b) where the INS has declined extension of portion of time out of US.