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Hello Ozun....

I saw some of your posts of the net (Waiver, O1), wonder if you can address this question, much appreciated.

It seems that we have highly similar cases (J1 originally and moving to O1-I already did though) and trying to get a waiver through NASA (IGA).

My question to you is, can you tell me more about your attempt to get the IGA (NASA sponsor) was it easy? is it going fine?, Slow? who (in genric terms) did you contatc first (I contacted the procurement office for my projects)? And they are extremely slow. Or did you contact the POC in charge of signing the IGA letter directly?

Any info is much appreciated.

I can assist you as much as I can with your O1 endeavor if you wish throuh advice, tips and ideas..

Hi there NewReadyToHelp,

My employer and I are currently dealing with the NASA Langley Research Center, who is funding my project. The first thing we did was to contact the head of the branch who is funding my research project. We let him know about the situation. Then, he had to talk to some people in the legal department at NASA Langley and he tried to convince them to support the waiver request. He had to justify the fact that my participation in the project is absolutely necessary. The waiver request has to be approved by the director of the NASA Langley Research Center first. The director looks at the recommendation of the legal department and the head of the branch who is funding my research and makes the decision.

It seems like my waiver request is likely to be approved by NASA Langley soon. Then it will be forwarded to the NASA Headquarters. The headquarters will make the final decision. So basically the waiver request has to go through several levels of approval. Overall, the whole thing has been going a bit slow. We have been dealing with them for the past 6 months or so. My boss has been giving them a call pretty much every day recently to get them to push this thing through as soon as possible.

We never contacted the POC given on the DOS website. See the link below for more details on how exactly the waiver process at NASA takes place. This document is directly from the NASA website.

Let me know if you have other questions about the IGA waiver.
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