use of EAD after 180


Registered Users (C)
could someone please talk about how EAD is different from H1B after 180 or layoff?

after 180, does it mean that, if change employer, EAD is valid forever, you can renew it when it expires? Since by the after-180 rule, you can get GC nomatter what, so long as you work at a similar job.

i know H1B is tied with one particular company.

is EAD also restricted to working for the sponsoring company? what i want to say is:

does EAD become invalid after layoff, just like H1B? or EAD is still valid for the duration of the card?

if my this understanding is correct, then we are better off with EAD than keeping H1 status after filing 485?

gurus, pls give your fine thoughts!!!

thanks very much for all.