US F-1 Visa holder got Canadian PR


New Member
Dear Friends:

I am currently on a F-1 visa in Detroit, planning to graduate by May 2002.After graduation, I am planning to apply for parctical training to work in the US.
Recently, I got my Canadian PR landing papers, crossed the border near Detroit and landed in Windsor. AT the time of landing, Canadian Immigration Officer put a stamp on my I-94 which says, "EXPIRED".
I would like to know if that is going to create a problem when I apply for my practical training in April 2002.

I am planning to have a residence in Windsor and work in Detroit after my graduation. But, the big question is:

Will INS deny my practical traing when they see my I-94 that shows Canadian stamp saying Expired ?

Any help is greatly appreaciated. Thanks
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We applied for Can PR during June 2000 - had medical examination during Jan \'01 - got landing papers during April 2001. We landed on Jan 04/02. We\'re planning to move to Canada permanently during May, soon after my graduation.

US GC holder apply for Canadian GC


  My situation is: I have a US green card. But recently plan to get married in my home country and apply for Canadian GC so that wife and myself can get together. Here are questions seeking expert advises.

  1: When I land in Canada, will they confiscate US green card.

  2: I work close to the boarder (Detroit), can I commute to work to US while living in Windsor.

  3: If I get Canadian landing paper from Buffallo, do I have to land from US-Canada boarder? or they don\'t care where you get the landing paper as long as it\'s valid, so that I can go back to China and land from China into Canada.

  4: I have read many post that technically it\'s hard to keep both US and Canadian PR. However, anyone has done this successfully?

  Thanks for the expert advises.
some answers to your Qs

1) They could give you a hard time. Dont land near winsdor, I have read a lot of bad landing experiances there. Search for " could not land..what an experiance" in misc.immigration.canada in the

2) Yes you can do that, but cannot have 2 PRs at the same time.

3) Yes, you can do that, just dont land in quebec. You are very much
legal when you land from the airport.

4) My lawyer said that it is not possible to keep both the PRs
at the same time for more than 6 months. Also he said that the
earlier PR can be in trouble because of getting a newer PR, but the
US laws say that applying for and even receiving another PR is
not reason enough to get the green card cancelled. However the
Canadians may be be that lenient.

Why do you say not to land in Quebec? is it because they need to enter only via Buffalo or is landing in Quebec always a problem? How is quebec in general towards landing immigrants?
How can a Canadian Officier put "expire" stamp on your I-94 Form?


Did you asked the canadian officer why he or shed put the expire stamp onto your I-94 form which was issued by US? It is unbelievable for me.
actually the canadaians are supposed to collect your I-94.

so maybe that is what the canadian officer achieved since he put an expired stamp on the I-94 it could be as if the I-94 has been submitted to the candaian officers and they will send it to the INS
I also have a Canadian PR. I never presented I-94 to them when I crossed the order.

I can not understand why Lalitha gave the I-94 form to the Canadian officier. I think a Canadian PR is enough when one try to enter Canada. Do you agree?