URGENT .... URGENT ....... files may be lost !!!!!


Registered Users (C)
02/20/2006: PERM System Still Down Making People Nervous and Concerned

The PERM website was scheduled to be down from the evening of Friday, 02/17/2006, till the evening of Saturday, 02/18/2006. Indeed, the PERM started working beginning from Satuday evening, but it lasted only for a short period of time. The PERM online filing and checking system has since been down and no one could file any new cases nor can anyone check the status of their cases. There was unconfirmed report that some of the files at the Backlog Centers had been lost, turning some of the immigration practitioners very concerned as no one knew who would suffer if the information was true. Now, the problem with the PERM system understandably turns some people into a state of paranoia with a question as to what would happen if some of the data and information are lost in so-called "maintenance" work. Today was indeed a dark black-hole day in the labor certification system.