Urgent reply needed! Travel without plastic but with PP stamped!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi folks,
will I be needing any extra documents or letter from anyone in order to travel abraod after getting my passport stamped!

What are the questions do they ask at the point of entry?

Should I be aware of anything or just rely on the stamped passport and freely travel!

Your expert reply is needed.
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It is not a Visa. It is just a stamping on your passport. It doesnt
have any other indications to allow you inside US.

ANyway, the problem may not be at the US port of entry. The problem
will be at places you board the plane. Since it is not a standard
visa, carrieers amay not let you board the plane.

Be careful. I wouldnt travle with Just the passport stamping..
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I believe you can actually travel with pp stamping which is a Green Card and the purpose of stamping if just for that only, since the card arrives late INS gives you a privilege to travel while the card in being manufactured...
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I have a friend who went to China a week after stamping and came back without a question asked on the border. INS recognizes that stamp.
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This is not true. You can travel with just the PP stamp and the stamping is for just this purpose.. At any boarding point, they check the stamp which specifically says "Evidence of Temporary Permenant Residence"..

Have fun..

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Again, INS has no problems in letting you inside. It is the country
where you board the flight. May be Madras, India or FrankFurt Germany.
There they validate the visa for you to board the flight to US. The
stamping doesnt even say that this is from "United States" or even
from INS.

It doesnt say that you are eligible to enter. It doesnt have any
security features (name, photo, etc.etc.) So the
guys at the place to board have the "right to refuse" to let you
board the plane.

Again, it is not INS .. it is the knowledge limitation of the people
in the other country.
When one of my friends was baording at Chennai with a Green Card..
that guy was looking the GC in some light and was questioning why Bill
CLinton\'s photo is not there in the photo series of the presidents.
That deep they look into.

DO you think that our guys will let you off with a Rubberstamp..
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I am quite sure that you wouldn\'t have any problems at the place where you board the flight, on your way back to US...

Last year when I was travelling back to US, the lady at the immigration desk at Bombay (pardon me, but I just don\'t like the name Mumbai!) misread my H1 visa (she thought that it expired) and was looking instead for the ADIT stamp (the temporary permanent resident stamp)...and when she couldn\'t find it, she asked me where the stamp was...I then understood the situation, and explained to her that my
H1 hasn\'t expired (she read 2001 as 2000)...and that I am not a permanent resident...

So, at major ports of departure (like Bombay, Delhi) folks do know all this stuff...don\'t know much about Madras (haven\'t travelled thru
Madras before) though...anyhow, even if the person looking at your passport doesn\'t know...you can always get help from his/her supervisor...

Hope this helps!

Have a nice journey!
