Urgent question on 2 year Leave of Absence (or AP) from the US!


Registered Users (C)
There are a few questions that I would like to ask the forum members on this subject.

1) Is a general Advance Parole document that I applied for before getting GC approval still valid? Incidentally the AP was applied a few days before GC approval. First I thought I would not receive the actual document since I now had the GC, but in a few months the AP did come through.

2) Can this AP be used if one decides to stay out of the US for more than six months but less than one year? This is so because the GC requires a return and stay of six months in the US each year.

3) Lastly, if the above mentioned AP will not work anymore, does one HAVE to return to the US to apply for that special two year permit. Can one apply online from overseas or have an attorney apply on your behalf from the US?

Thank you for your response!
1) and 2) The AP can be used for a short time after your GC has been approved (not sure exactly what the time limit is), but it should not be used if you have the physical GC, and it does not give you any privileges that the GC doesn't give. It is only meant for use by people who don't have a GC, either because it isn't approved yet, or it was approved recently but they don't have the card yet.

3) You have to apply for the reentry permit when you are personally within the US, although you don't need to wait until approval before leaving the US.