URGENT...question about job change


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I got GC a month back and my wife got an RFE for medicals(Her application is a dependent application). Now I got a better job and would like to move. She has submitted the medicals recently. If I move now, will the dependent application be stopped or denied? It might take another 2-3 months before her
application is approved and the new company can not wait that long.
It is not wise to change job right after getting GC.

survivor76 said:
I got GC a month back and my wife got an RFE for medicals(Her application is a dependent application). Now I got a better job and would like to move. She has submitted the medicals recently. If I move now, will the dependent application be stopped or denied? It might take another 2-3 months before her
application is approved and the new company can not wait that long.
There is no hard and fast rule on this issue. But the rule of thumb is that you can move without problems 3-6 months after you get your approval. But then again, no one has any adverse effects to report. So the decision is up to you, If the job is really that much better and your salary and other concerns are adequately met, I might suggest you change the jobs.

You might also try, going on a sabatical from your current company for a couple of months while joining the other company in the interim. That way you will not have "technically" left your original company, but will accumulate the time required to fall outside the 3 month window.

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Like 140_takes* said there is no hard and fast rule. It is the intention that CIS needs to be convinced about. Also, I have seen postings in the forum where some lawyers have said that even 1-3 months is OK.

Send over your spouse's docs immediately and be sure that their receipt shows up in her status [ RFE response received on .....] before the change.

Most companies are done with the large layoffs and hiring has restarted to a small extent. If your company happens to have plans of layoffs (or any hints ) that you may pickup from circulated memos (not rumors) keep them for future.

My $0.02.