Urgent-Misprint of name in passport and H1-B visa stamping


New Member
I really need your help.
My name in the Passport is as follows
Given Names
Gopal krishna

My first name is Krishna and last name is Gopal. When I applied for my H1-B visa the lawyer filed my name as Gopal, Krishna.
Now I need to go India on an emergency visit to see my cousin who is not well. So I have to get my H1-B stamping done in Chennai.
I was really concerned because my name in my passport is misprinted and it differs from my name in my H1-B visa petition.
So I went to the Indian embassy in NY today. They asked me to post 2 Ad's for Change in Name in the newspaper one in USA and the other in the place of residence in India. After 30 days they asked me to fill a Change in Name form and submit my passport.
I called the New York Classified #'s and they said that I need to have a legal document from the court which gives me the Index #. I called the concerned people in the court and they say that my name has not changed and shall not provide me with a document.

I need to go to India urgently and I am not sure whether this shall create a problem for my H1-B stamping.
Kindly please advise what should I do and how could I Change my misprinted name in the passport. Can this be done in India.

Please reply as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot.
Hi gopal why can't u get corrected u r namein H1 paper work according to u r passport..if u change name in passport u may have to face new issues.. think u r ssno, driving lisc will be according to u r passport..if u change name then u have to change in all the stuff like ssno,driv lisc etc...
hi gopal ,wht hpnd to ur issue..,one thing can u pls let me know as u said Gopal Krishna is under u r given name in passport..how u r giving u r name in USA for other paper work..ie ssno,Driv lisc..etc..

if u r name is Gopal krishna in passport..

then how u r filling the forms iin USA
last name:?
first name:?


i to have the same problem...
in my passport
given name: ram prasad

as i said u earlier
in my h1 b (visa) i got

surname:hari prasad
first name:FNU

if i come to US how should i proceed, filiing I94,ssno
forms etc wht should i fill in
last name :?
first name:?

kindly let me know or else u can mail to thprasad@yahoo.com
