Urgent - Letters of Experience


New Member

I urgently need some input on the following. PLEASE spare a few minutes of your time and answer them, since this is very important.

1. How important are the letters establishing past experience?

2. Do these letters have to match exactly the requirements in the Labor Cert, or is it enough if they are generic? ie will a letter with title, start and end date be enough? Or does it have to specify exactly what areas I worked in?

3. One of my past companies no longer exists (failed dotcom). The only way for me to show experience in this position is through a letter from a co-worker or supervisor. They could either give me a letter on a plain sheet, and notarize it, or they can give it to me on an old letterhead. Which one is better?

The old letterhead may establish that this person once worked there, but the address or phone number on the letterhead may not be valid.

How often does INS call these people to verify the experience? I am worried that if they call, the co-worker (not very close to me) may not take the trouble of validating all the letters she gave in the letter. She may just say 'yeah I worked with her' and may not remember all the details in the letter (which my attorney drafted and she just signed).

Any feedback will be very much appreciated.

!. Obviously extremely important. At the I-140 stage the INS revisits the labor certification procedure and hence the work experience in relation to the certified occupation as detailed in ETA 750A is critical.
2. As above.
3. A declaration on a plain sheet, notarised, with a telephone number where the referee may be reached should suffice.
The INS do not call unless they have resons to doubt the veracity.
NO Employer ( Employers in India) defines the responsibilities you were fullfilling at your post in the experience Letter. Especially, Indian Employers. For example, I was working for HCL Limited, New Delhi and the experience letter I obtained is mentioned as under:
This is to Certify that XXXX had been working with us from (start date) To (End Date) at the capacity of 'Asst. Manager'. He had been a big asset to the company.
He left the job on his own accord. We found him very hard working and sincere.
We wish him all the best in his future assignments.
Please contact me at xxxxxx, if you need more Information about him.

Manager HRD.

Most of my experince letters are of the same format. Discussed with the attorney and he says that the letters are fine enough.

Archana, need not worry on this account. I guess, If you have this kind of experience Letter, you are fine.
Best of Luck!!
You can get experience letter from any of your seniors who may not be with the comapy anymore. All the have to do is use the new company letterhead and state they worked in old company as ur manager or something like that and create a experience certificate. Getting it notrized is good idea also.
Thank you all for the responses

Thanks to all for the responses. The part about being specific about the experience has been answered.

My other question was, is it okay to get a letter on the old letterhead, even though the address and phone number on that one are no longer valid? Of course, the person giving the letter will give his number, and say "please contact me at xxx-xxxx if you would like further information".

But do we need to somehow inform INS that the company is now no longer active or anything like that?

Does INS call all old employers as a matter of routine to verify experience? In any case, if it came to that, I have my old W-2 and payslips and numerous other documentation to prove that I worked there. But I am worried that it may lead to delays in processing.

Thanks again,

Get the letter on plain paper instead of old leterhead

Get the letter on plain paper instead of old leterhead

Why you want to make thing complicated ? If you get experience letter on old letterhead which company has been closed down for years, and if INS found out it would be one more REF.

Letter on plain paper works fine, and get letter who can speak for you in case INS called them. Give them copy of letter. (INS won't call them 98-99 %), but it always prepared for worst.

I hope this will help.

Another question about experience

I have a total of 14 years experience. My job requirement in labor certification needs 7 years of experience (that is what is given in the advertisements). Now I have all experience letters except the first two years of my career thereby accounting for 12 years of experience. Would this be an issue?

Thanks for any comments
Question regarding experience letters

What will happen if my experience is more than that stated on the LC?. I have over 12 years experience and my LC has 5-7 years.

I had a question about the experience letter format. Does the issue date on letter be the exit date from the company or current date and also is it adviseable to submit the letters at LC stage or I-140 stage.

The lettter can be dated on the day it is issued. Obviously it must state the period over which you worked for the company. I am not aware if the letter is needed at Labor stage. .... My lawyer asked for mine at the I-140 stage. Mine was RIR EB2. Let me know if you have more questions.

good luck


Gurus, pls explain this issue:

a) If Exp. Letter is prepared by a mgr./coy that is located outside US (e.g. India), then the notary sign is to be from within that country or still a US notary stamp is reqd. - what is correct ?

b) But if exp. letter is prepared by manager /company in USA, notary is to be a US notary - Right ?

If the manager is india how do you get a US notary?. Your manager has to sign infront of a Notary. Just get it done in India. If its from a US living person get it from here. Nothing to worry. Notary is also not mandatory , people do it on safe side.