Urgent:if You Are From India And Pay Social Security Tax Then Read This


Registered Users (C)
Dear friends,
As you all know that now INDIAN population in US is increasing and we should be eligible for all the benefits that we are suppose to get in case we live here. But due to some conditions we might have to go back to our home land, still we should get our basic benifits like retirement benifits from Social Security Administration for which we pay a big share of our earnings from every pay check.

Time is short, I just noticed it today that SSA site has asked our suggestion regarding this before 31st July 2001. Currently 18 country workers who worked in both countries are getting benifits bcos of agreements between their countries for SSA benifits. Our country is not in list, we need to speed up to raise our voice. So please go to below link to read more about it and raise your voice by sending an email/Phone/Fax or mail. Here are the links and contact details.

Email ur voice at : certificate@ssa.gov
( Look for sample text for the email below, if u need, I would suggest to use ur own words )
OR FAX your response to (410) 966-7025 or
PHONE in the information to (410) 965-3856 or (410)965-0377
OR MAIL your comments to:
Office of International Programs
P.O. Box 17741
Baltimore, MD 21235-7741

Thanks very much.
Note : Forward this email to all ur friends and relatives anywhere in
the world.

Subject: International Agreements for Social Security Include India certificate@ssa.gov

Dear Sir/Madam,

In past 10 years many young workers came from INDIA and there are lot many to come in near future. Not all of them settle in US due to various reasons. During this time they share their earnings paying SS TAX. They might retire in INDIA and they should have some way to be eligible to get their SS benifits. INDIA also has PERSONNAL PROVIDENT FUND program similar to Social Secutiry in USA. We urge US govt to make agreement with INDIA regarding Social Security Benefits.

I think that an Indian Citizen who has worked in US and has paid his/her share of SS tax should receive SS benefits even if he/she is residing outside US. I have noticed that this kind of benefits are available for so many other countries in the world but not for India!! I would like to see India in this list.

Thank you.
It is great. Please try to send more mails.

I am planning to retire in India and if this happens it will help me a lot.