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Hi All,
I need help with point 31 on the DS-230 form or the BIOGRAPHIC DATA form. The question for point 31 is...

Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted of any offense or crime?

In this question if I have a speeding ticket do I need to specify that?

If yes, does this impact my CP process??

Originally posted by asharma
Hi All,
I need help with point 31 on the DS-230 form or the BIOGRAPHIC DATA form. The question for point 31 is...

Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted of any offense or crime?

In this question if I have a speeding ticket do I need to specify that?

If yes, does this impact my CP process??

Speeding tickets are not considered crime or offense.
Originally posted by asharma
Hi All,
I need help with point 31 on the DS-230 form or the BIOGRAPHIC DATA form. The question for point 31 is...

Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted of any offense or crime?

In this question if I have a speeding ticket do I need to specify that?

If yes, does this impact my CP process??


I will answer your last question first. Absolutely not. A speeding ticket will not have any affect on the cp process.

We hear several theories about whether this should be included in the question or not.

It is my personal opinion that you should say 'yes' for this since
you are 'charged' for speeding. Write something like 'ticket issued for a minor traffic offence' . Enclose a copy of the ticket and any papers about how it was resolved.

Thanks for the reply guys.
I also asked my lawyer this question, and the lawyer said that I should include speeding violations if any.
So I guess I shall include this information. Lets hope for the best. Thanks.

FYI, I had couple or more of these tickets, and I did not mention anythin in the form. However I took the copies to the interview, but no questions were asked about it.
Here the question is, if one has a speeding ticket should he
mark 'yes' or 'no' to that question?

I am sure there are several candidates who had speeding tickets,
kept quite about it and did not face any problem.

But I feel the right action would be to mark 'yes'. And that is what I did in my DS230.

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