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Urgent help to 2010 question...thanks


Registered Users (C)
I did my application for the 2010 lottery and it went through ok. But I have a major problem. Due to last minute circumstances with work I have to leave the house I am living in and moving away. I will have no connection with the house after that as I was renting and it was the house that I gave as my address!

With the very small chance that I get selected, the letter will go to that house!
If I knew letters were going to the house on a specific date it would not be too bad but the fact I might not even receive one or it could be any date I am worried that I will never know!

Can I let them know change of address or what??
There is no chance to change the address at this point. Maybe you local post office offers mail forwarding?

However, you got a confirmation number and can check your status after July, 1
Don't worry, this is precisely why KCC has introduced a system where you can check your status electronically (don't lose that confirmation number). If you win you can go forward even without the letter. Many letters used to get lost in the previous years; that's why the new facility.
Many letters used to get lost in the previous years; that's why the new facility.
For sure KCC give a shit on lost letters. Making the online check available avoid a lot of calls about status, 2nd letter, Interview date etc at their call center.