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urgent help needed-DV2005


Registered Users (C)
It's Sept. 29 and there is just one more day left before the deadline expires for DV 2005 cases. I finally got interviewed on Tuesday (Sept. 27), everything was OK, the officer told me that I can consider my case approved, she requested the visa number for me, but she said that my background check is still pending. Has anyone ever heard about such a case where someone got the visa even after Sept. 30? I called the Baltimore office to ask the same question and they told me that I should be fine. However, my experience so far is telling me to trust more to people at this forum that to the officials.
Thanks in advance to anyone who has any idea!
you should or should have contacted your congressman urgently - they actually can talk to FBI. in my case they did, and after a long wait, i was approved this week! the congressman representative told me that when they talked to FBI, FBI said they were aware of DV-2005 deadline and they were trying to identify all these cases and speed up the process. so, hopefully they are aware that your case is DV-2005, but if not, congressman office should be able to help you. wish you good luck.