Query is big but this is where I mainly need help. The option is the letter from the client or to show an internal project with all details. I would need an opinion on which one will be more suitable.
Submit an original letter on official letterhead from the client on whose project the beneficiary will work substantiating the length of time the beneficiary has provided and will provide computer consulting services; his or her duties, the name of his or her immediate supervisor and documentation of the company that employs the supervisor. In addition, submit evidence from the end client of their requirements for the position. If the petitioner does not have a contract directly with the employer that is the end user, include the succession of contracts from the petitioner to the employer that is the end user. All contracts must be signed.
If you provide consulting services to clients as a subcontractor through another employer (third-party or fourth-party contracts) you must provide complete legible copies of the contracts and corresponding statements of work, and purchase orders for the beneficiary’s services:
***********************Internal PROJECT***********
Document the agreement with the client(s) of your in-home project(s) that the beneficiary will work on. Submit a letter on Company letterhead from the client for whom the in-house project is being developed. This letter must include the authorized point-of-contact name, phone number, email address, and the number as well as specifically identifying the beneficiary, position title, the client’s minimum requirements to qualify for the position, the length of time the beneficiary will be needed on the project, the locations they must work and the expertise they are expected to bring to the project. USCIS will use this letter to confirm the contractual or verbal agreement relationship.
Submit an original letter on official letterhead from the client on whose project the beneficiary will work substantiating the length of time the beneficiary has provided and will provide computer consulting services; his or her duties, the name of his or her immediate supervisor and documentation of the company that employs the supervisor. In addition, submit evidence from the end client of their requirements for the position. If the petitioner does not have a contract directly with the employer that is the end user, include the succession of contracts from the petitioner to the employer that is the end user. All contracts must be signed.
If you provide consulting services to clients as a subcontractor through another employer (third-party or fourth-party contracts) you must provide complete legible copies of the contracts and corresponding statements of work, and purchase orders for the beneficiary’s services:
***********************Internal PROJECT***********
Document the agreement with the client(s) of your in-home project(s) that the beneficiary will work on. Submit a letter on Company letterhead from the client for whom the in-house project is being developed. This letter must include the authorized point-of-contact name, phone number, email address, and the number as well as specifically identifying the beneficiary, position title, the client’s minimum requirements to qualify for the position, the length of time the beneficiary will be needed on the project, the locations they must work and the expertise they are expected to bring to the project. USCIS will use this letter to confirm the contractual or verbal agreement relationship.