URGENT-Green Card stay-PLEASE REPLY!!!


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I have a question. My parents have got a green card and they would be coming to the U.S.A. in a couple of months. Could anyone tell me as to what is the minimum stay required to be in U.S.A in order to maintain the Green card in status??? Somebody told me that they will have to stay more than 6 months of the year in the U.S.A for every year in order to maintain their status. Is that true???

Also, both my father and my mother are above 65 years of age. Would they be eligible for any medical insurance? If not Medicare, then would they at least be eligible for Medicaid or not? I heard that under the new Patriot law, even though they are above 65 years of age, they will not be eligible for Medicaid even, unless and until they become citizens! Is that true???

If the above is the case then would anyone be knowing of a decently good and reseonable medical insurance, given that both my parents are above 65 years of age.

thanks a lot for your reponse.

180 days rule is still valid to keep your GC active.

I do not think full Medical Insurance is given by any Govt program even after age 65. You may be able to get private insurance for about $100 per month. Insurance from New India Co. in India is also good. It covered one of friend's parent all of the medical bills exceeding 12K.
As permanent residents your parents are eligible for medicare, soc sec.
They are not traveling as tourists anymore. They are entitled to regular benefits and also all senior citizen discounts. Those benefits have to be applied for of course.

Are you sure that the 180 days rule exists. Someone else told me that you can stay lesser than that. The only criteria is that at the time of citizenship, you should have had 2 and a half years of stay in total. It can be of any length at any one specific time period of stay.


your replies regarding the health insurance(medicare etc.) are contradictory to each other, so i do not know which one is correct? Sahnir, if I need to pay the haelth insurance myself, then can you tell me which insurance will give my parents coverage for $100/- as you said?

Also, detroitimmi, if my parents can get medicare, then what agency do we have to apply to?

Again, your reply to the last item are contradictory so i do not know which one is correct. Hopefully if i get more replies then it will be clearer.

Thanks a lot.
detroitimmi is wrong, you can't get soc sec and medicare or medicaid if you have not worked a single day in your life in the US. You must have worked a certain amount of yrs to be eligible for both, both medicare and soc sec benefits are something that comes out of your paycheck monthly, and your employer also contributes to, so if you have not worked in the US, how would you be eligible? Good luck
VIDASH is correct. You can't get Soc. and medicare if you just have GC and came to US later than 1996. But you can ask your county information. As I know some rich counties offer the basic medical care for low income.

Thanks a lot Vidash and Febru1 for your replies. Febru1, can you tell me when you say low income, does that mean my income here in the US(as my parents will not be working here in the US) or low income means the income(or the assets they have in India) my parents will be getting in India?

The sponsor is legally responsible for the beneficiary's expenses as the sponsor has signed I-864, the legally binding affidavit of support.
Health Insurance


Can anyone suggest a company which would be willing to provide health insurance for a new immigrant lady of age 70? My friend applied for his mother with Bridge plan (Lloyd's of london undertakers) and insurance was denied in WI. She is not eligible to buy medicare or medicaide coverage for 5 years from the date of entry as a PR. This is a very difficult situation for her, because since 1996 the government has banned benefits but not made it mandatory for any agency to sell health insurance. In the end tax payers pick the tab because in an emergency aid can't be denied and people can't afford to pay and ofcourse the sponsor has to declare bankruptcy.

I would appreciate if anyone could please tell of any insurance agency which provides insurance to new immigrants over 65 until they are able to access medicare.