URGENT...Can I use OLD(prior employer)priority date?


Registered Users (C)
I had applied for Labor cert, which got approved and then I-140 approved with copmany A in 1998.

I switched to company B and my new PD is Aug'02.

with the EB-3 PD retrogressing, my question is can I use the OLD priority date.

Pls, reply ASAP.
YES, You are luckey to use the OLD priority date.

As per my knowledge, if your I-140 was cleared with company A then you can use the OLD priority date for company B. But you have to have the OLD I-140 approval notice in hand. If you have the OLD approval notice then consult your attorney and procede from there.
Apply for I485 based on company A and then after 6 months go for AC21 and join company B.
(Inform INS)