Urgent Advise Needed Asap Please!!


New Member
Here's the situation
I just graduated in May this year and obtained an OPT from my school which is valid for employment til May next year. I also got a job with a company that has agreed to file for the H-1 visa for me.

Here's the problem
My OPT expires in May and my company wont be able to file for me until October next year.

What can I do? What are my options?! PLEASE HELP ME WITH ANY ADVISE. Thank you
considering the fact that my lawyer was late for 2 days and the quota was filled i have the same problem. I guess no one has an answer.
Confirm on this !!!

If you guyz are on OPT, then you have a separate H1 quota for people
with masters and you should make use of that. The numbers on this
quota too are closing to a finish so you better hurry up.

all the best.