Urgent advice needed


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Hello all.I got my u.s citizenship april 2003.I filed for immigrant visa for my mom and some brothers and sisters a couple of months later.My mom petition has been approved since august of this year.
Now the question i have is, i just received a DS-230 part 1 and 11 forms from the NVC.(It is possible that i could have filed the 1-130 for my mom and my sister and brother that are under 21yrs as her dependants (children)so that they could get visa at the same time as she does?)instead of applying for them as brothers and sisters of u.s citizen which takes for ever.
I saw a place in the document that says something like children who are about to turn 21yrs old.

Plain question. Is it possible to file for your brother/or sister who is under 21yr old for a derivative visa when u file 1-130 for a parent(s) as a u.s citizen?
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hey guys, i'll find it hard to believe that nobody among the gurus here knows the answer to my question :confused: .See , i dont want to pay an attorney to just tell whether to file some papers or not.
Thanks JF

I kind of figured that. I am suppose to send some paperwork back to the NVC by thursday so thats why i wanted to see if it would be possible to do that.

thanks again.