urgent- about immi visa


Registered Users (C)
Hi all

I filed my immi. application on 06/01 and received the assessment letter withour interview on 01/02. In the letter, I was asked to make the medical examination and update my settlement fund verification. After I made the examination and sent the updated bank statement, I received my landing paper package on 04/02.

In the package, I find the LP, supplementary id form, a letter.

The letter wrote: " Enclosed pls find an 'Imm. Visa and Record of Landing', ............" I was not asked to send my passport to stamp the imm. visa. But many people in this forum have imm. visas on their passports except landing papers. I wonder if it is OK for landing just with landing paper, or another guys have the same situation. Pls give me advice.

it is very intersting case!!!

Read it carefully , you need to have immigration visa stamp.
It has visa# , which will be used for tracking of ur status in US.
Just like A# for US GC .The CAN IMMI visa will tell you abt validity period.

When ur case is approved(deccison made by Canadian immigration), they should ask ur passport fro stamping .After stamping , along with passort they will send ur landing papers.

Otherwise send them a fax message about this.

Apply ur PR card and SIN card after landing.You can download the forms from www.cic.gc.ca.

Good luck
You received the IMM1000 - record of landing papers since you got yours before June 28, 2002 when the new law went into effect. Thats my best guess. However, verify with other experts on this forum.