update on company name change cases


Registered Users (C)
After trying for the past 2 months I was finally able to talk to someone
at INS HQ who gave me an update on the upcoming guidelines (AC 21 related)
which should help all the name change cases which are currently on hold.
As per the person I talked to, the memo should have been released last week
but they needed a legal clarification on one of its components (dont worry as per the
person I talked to the questionable component is not the
part relating to name change) and so it was delayed. From the info I recd they are trying
their level best to release it this week.

Again this is an FYI posting. From past experience we should take all info INS HQ gives us with
a pinch of salt but hopefully we should not have to wait much longer

I have seen from this board that filing 140 redo is helping release the cases from hold and getting them
approved so this will be an additional boost if it happens.

So let us keep our fingers crossed and see what happens. Trying to be optimistic.
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Thanks for the info, I appreciate your effort on this issue.
I did file my I140 in the last week of May. Hope for the Best.
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Cool_bandha Thanks for keeping this alive please continue the good work

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Hi cool_bandha,

   Thanks for the update.

   Although we too have filed for 140, it would be very good if the regulations come very soon. We could be out of this royal mess sooner...

Good Luck.

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I talked to another person today who had contacted INS HQ and this person
was told to expect further delays for the above mentioned guidelines to be issued
(no definite time period was given for issuing the guidelines) So we are back to square one on this issue. From now onwards I am not even going to try to guess when these so called guidelines will be released. I also feel that efforts I made in trying to get info on these guidelines was a total waste of time.
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My case is pending also because of company name changes. I just talked to my lawyer. Before if sending a amend I-140 would be OK. But now INS putting this on hold and waiting for the regulations. The risk of filing I-140 now is problably put you case in the I-140 Queue.

What do you think?
