Unemployment benefit on EAD?


Registered Users (C)
Is it possible to get unemployement benefit on EAD after layoff for dependent applicant? Thanks.
I do not think so. I read sometime back on this forum that even after getting the Green Card, it is not safe to apply for unemployment benefits for quite a while.
I think it might be ok as it is not for primary applicant but for secondary applicant.
Any other opinion? I know some people who are getting unemployement benefit after being laid off just after green card approval.
You should have worked at least 3 months

For getting unemployment benefits, you should have worked in a normal company which does payroll legally for at least 3 months before getting laid off. It is important to be laid off or terminated. You can certainly do it immediately after GC but during EAD, I am not sure.
Does anyone know who have got unemployement on EAD? My spouse was always employed and now been laid off. My RD is in beginning of Sep. Though I know my case might be approved next day/next month, would like to go for unemployment on EAD till then. Not really worried about its repurcussions as some people think in terms of citizenship and all.
Originally posted by sweetie
Is it possible to get unemployement benefit on EAD after layoff for dependent applicant? Thanks.


I am not trying to pass judgement, neither am I trying to belittle you.

But going thru your postings, looks like you have a set mind, on getting Un Employment Benefits while on EAD.

You say
I think it might be ok as it is not for primary applicant but for secondary applicant.
Any other opinion?

I say
As you already think its ok for the Secondary applicant, do you still need "any other opinions"????

You say
I know some people who are getting unemployement benefit after being laid off just after green card approval

I say
The Key word here is "AFTER" Green Card Approval.

You say
Does anyone know who have got unemployement on EAD?

I say
Atleast I dont know anyone, and if I did, my sincere advice would be please Refrain from such activities (But I am sure I dont know a single soul).

You say
My spouse was always employed and now been laid off.

I say
Ask your spouse to Find another Job ASAP.

You say
Though I know my case might be approved next day/next month, would like to go for unemployment on EAD till then

I say
Read that para, Again you have a set mind, so just go for it, why ask????

You say
Not really worried about its repurcussions as some people think in terms of citizenship and all.

I say
My question is, if you are not really worried about the repercussions, then whats stopping you???

I again wish to tell you that I am not trying to pass judgement on you, but read your postings again.


If I sounded Harsh to you I do apologise, but hey if you already decided then.

WHY ASK?????:mad: :mad: :mad:
Dont count the chicken before they hatched

It will be better if you find other means of sustaining yourself if you are in the beach lately. If you apply for benefits you are announcing to the government that you are out of work, which could jeopardize your application. Also, think beyond your predicaments. Not only it could endanger your case, it could also affect others as INS may presume everybody else wants GC because of the welfare benefits. For me, I am not interested with the f*cking benefits, I just like to work and live in this country in my own term.
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Trying to get Un Employment Benefits while on EAD might generate RFE as you are declaring to INS that your spouse no longer has the offer for work after GC.

I advise you to think twice. As july16 said, if you've already decided, why ask then?

Since you are keen on unemployment benefits and also not particularly concerned with citizenship, etc., I would suggest you to check with the department that pays the unemployment benefits to see if your spouse is eligible in the first place (as s/he is neither a permanent resident nor a citizen).

If eligible, then you should verify with your attorney whether your spouse would become a public charge. If your spouse were to become a public charge, you would run the risk that your spouse's GC might be denied. Your's might be approved but your spouse's may still be denied.

Obviously you are keen on the benefits money. So, you should spend a few hundred dollars with an attorney to see if you can get that. Either way, you can get the money or at least not risk getting denial for your/your spouse's GC. Soliciting help from a forum may prove to be detrimental.

Be aware that to claim unemployment, I believe that you have to show that you have tried to seek employment and also the department might set you up for employment/interviews, etc and your spouse might actually end up in jobs that are not to his/her liking. It is not that you can sit back and get money without seeking a job. Then all spouses who are not interested in working will get a job once and get intentionaly fired/laid off and seek unemployment benefits for the rest of their life. :p

And the assistance programs differ from state to state. Find about yours from this URL. http://www.doleta.gov/programs/uimap.asp?483,205
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Thanks for your replies specially st8. The answer that I was really looking for is it possible to claim unemployment on EAD for secondary apllicant? the keyword is possible...
and if it is possible then I would very much like to go for it as I said.
I am gonna find out from whatever the government office ofcourse but this post is to know the view of others whether it is possible. Because there are so many people here who go through the similar experiences and some of them give their opinion without being rude. ( which is very important ).
talking to attorney is a good idea though in some cases, this forum is more useful than them.
well about finding a job, my spouse is definitely looking for one and hopefully will be able to find one soon but nothing is sure in this economy and if we are eligible to get unemployment benefit, then why not?
It is possible to apply for Unemployment with EAD. I was on H1 3 years ago prior to receiving my EAD card and was layed off. I applied for unemployment and all they asked me in the local unemployment office a proof of authorization of working in the US, and I did show them my stamped H1 on my passport and I was getting the unemployment checks in the mail for 3 month till I found another employer to continue my GC journey.
I was approved for my GC 50 days ago with no RFE.
So to answer your question it is possible to apply for unemployment but I am not sure whether this will have an impact in the future for your GC or not, Perhaps for me I was lucky. So all you have to do is to give it a shot and try.
For july16,

As you already think its ok for the Secondary applicant, do you still need "any other opinions"????

it is for me to decide if i need other opinion.

You say
I know some people who are getting unemployement benefit after being laid off just after green card approval

I say
The Key word here is "AFTER" Green Card Approval.

well if I had green card, i would not come ask this question.

You say
Does anyone know who have got unemployement on EAD?

I say
Atleast I dont know anyone, and if I did, my sincere advice would be please Refrain from such activities (But I am sure I dont know a single soul).

I did not ask for your advice. I only asked if it is possible or you guys know somebody like it. you didn't even write a reason for your advice...

You say
My spouse was always employed and now been laid off.

I say
Ask your spouse to Find another Job ASAP.

that again is something not you to worry about.

You say
Though I know my case might be approved next day/next month, would like to go for unemployment on EAD till then

I say
Read that para, Again you have a set mind, so just go for it, why ask????

I said would like not going for it.

You say
Not really worried about its repurcussions as some people think in terms of citizenship and all.

I say
My question is, if you are not really worried about the repercussions, then whats stopping you???

cause i am not sure if it is possible.

for Rhondy,
i did not ask if you are interested in benefits, ok?
Mamata Banerjee !!!

Mamata Banerjee , Yep.... uch ...Bagpipes,Barefaced-liar,Bath-tub admiral,Ectoplasms,......Miserable blundering barbecued blister......
Purple jellyfish.... Thundering typhoon !!!

Stole my bottle of RUM !!!
:( :( :( :(

Yahoo hoo and my Bottle of RUM !!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Now you are singing a completely different tune,

Look I already said I am not passing judgement, and neither am I trying to belittle you, that said and done.

Except for your posting on this thread, where you ask if its possible, or if someone knows such a case, you pose a question but then to replies to your postings, read your reply, You clearly have a mind set.

and here I am posting your response

----Does anyone know who have got unemployement on EAD? My spouse was always employed and now been laid off. My RD is in beginning of Sep. Though I know my case might be approved next day/next month, would like to go for unemployment on EAD till then. Not really worried about its repurcussions as some people think in terms of citizenship and all.----

Now here is the question

You say
Though I know my case might be approved next day/next month, would like to go for unemployment on EAD till then

I say
Read that para, Again you have a set mind, so just go for it, why ask????

I said would like not going for it.

In the above conversation can you Please tell me where you said you would like NOT going for it????

am I missing something here???

And again if I have offended you I do apologise, but this is a public forum, you need to come here with an open mind, to get others views and opinions, coming here with a set mind, is as good as saying tell me whatever you think, I am still going to do what I want.

Hence the comment WHY ASK.
Hey sweetie, why ask other ppl about their opinions

when you already made up your mind? Its like asking for advise and when somebody did gave you an advise and you dont like it, you rebuke him/her.

You dont need other people's opinion. You only need people who you think will agree with you. If thats the case, you should change your question to: "I believe I can get unemployment benefits because I am a secondary applicant. If you agree, send your reply. If you dont, go f*ck yourself."