Un-opened SWA cases


Registered Users (C)
I have tried posting this question on few other forums without much feedback. Can someone please comment on how Un-opened SWA cases from Philly region (VA etc.) would be handled because of BPC/NPC?

The understanding I have from my common sense is following. Is this correct?

1) Once all Phily/SF regional cases are processed, other un-opened SWA cases from Phily/SF (VA etc.) will be transferred to backlog centers.
2) There will not be two separate stages (state and regional) anymore and cases will get approved directly at backlog centers.

I am still little confused on how SWA cases would get processed and if they will turn out to be quicker or slower because of this. Also would state cases from Phily/SF be tranferred to backlog centers before other regions?

Thanks in advance.
LC NON RIR Applied: April 2003 (VA SWA)
I also posted the same question. I went back to the memo and read it thrice. Here's what I understand.

All "un-opened" SWAs cases will go to NPC.

"Opened" SWAs and Regional DOL cases will go to BEC.

Thanks for your reply. Do you know if NPC would do central processing for such cases (i.e. state and federal level)?
Yes, looks like NPC will process both state and regional. And also looks like NPC will follow the current methodlogy to process RIR and NON-RIR after Jan 1st.

It's still confusing though...the memo is not clear and leaves lot of gray areas. We'll only know clearly after Jan 1st.