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twos to spell the same name?


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Hi Guys,
I think I may have a problem, I applied for dv-2010 lottery and then upon reading some of the posts I think I may have an issue. I’ll start from the beginning… I was born in India (I am using my wife’s country of eligibility – Kenya), on my birth certificate my name is spelled differently from the way that I have been spelling it. On my birth certificate it is spelt xixxxxxx and I have been spelling it since I moved to this country as xeexxxxxx, double e is being used instead of single i, but they are pronounced the sound the same. All my documents from school documentation, UK nationalisation certificate, bank accounts, marriage certificate, mortage etc are all with double 'e' in the name.

Is this going to get me disqualified?

To add to the confusion, in 1995 we had a world wide family name change ( have legal document that states this) and we took on our clan name (as such), so on my birth certificate it is the old surname but I have been using the new surname since 1995.

Is this going to cause any problems?

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for all your help.

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Hope this will help you

Hi Guys,
I think I may have a problem, I applied for dv-2010 lottery and then upon reading some of the posts I think I may have an issue. I’ll start from the beginning… I was born in India (I am using my wife’s country of eligibility – Kenya), on my birth certificate my name is spelled differently from the way that I have been spelling it. On my birth certificate it is spelt xixxxxxx and I have been spelling it since I moved to this country as xeexxxxxx, double e is being used instead of single i, but they are pronounced the sound the same. All my documents from school documentation, UK nationalisation certificate, bank accounts, marriage certificate, mortage etc are all with double 'e' in the name.

Is this going to get me disqualified?

To add to the confusion, in 1995 we had a world wide family name change ( have legal document that states this) and we took on our clan name (as such), so on my birth certificate it is the old surname but I have been using the new surname since 1995.

Is this going to cause any problems?

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for all your help.


You have two issues mixed up, am hoping i will help you sort them out.

One, who applied for the DV lottary, was it your wife or you? who got through? when did you apply, before or after you got married?

Because of marriage, i know you can claim your wifes nationality. so if by the time you applied for the DV you were already married, Then Kenya will also work as your country of origin due to marriage. So dont worry about being born in India yet you relied on kenya as your country of nationality.

Secondly, about the spelling of your name. As a lawyer, i know if your names were mis spelt or you changed the spelling. All you need to do is swear an affidavit with the help of the lawyer, commission it. In that affidavit you state that your names were-----------originally, but you changed them ( or they were changed by---)to--------- at this point in time ( for you i think indicate after marriage) or if it was done before them indicate when) Thats to help you validate documents that have varying names.

when you show such at embassy, it will be enough.

Or if you have time, write a disclosure letter to consulate, USA (where your DV lottary letter came from and disclosed that fact to them) keep a copy to show at the embassy.

I believe all will be fine.
Tka care
Hi Ireb,
Thanks for the response, let me put the details in timeline form.

In 1981, I came to the UK and have used the the first name xeexxxxxx (birth certificate said xixxxxxx) since then, i was 7
years old at the time.

In 1995, I changed my surname by depol (as you put a affidavit), which was witnessed by a lawyer who commissioned it,
stating that I renounce the use of x as my surname and will use y from now on (this document also had my first
name as xeexxxxxx.

In 1997, I got my married.

In 2008, I applied for the DV-2010 using my wife's country of eligiabilty, Kenya, and my wife also applied using Kenya has
her country of eligiabilty.

And answers to your questions.
Q. who applied for the DV lottary, was it your wife or you?
A. Both me and my wife, ne using her country of eligiabilty.
Q. who got through? T
A. This is for the Dv2010 lottery, so no news yet.
Q. when did you apply, before or after you got married?
A. After marriage, a long time after marriage ;)

I hope this gives a better understanding, and hope does not change your outcome which gives me some hope:D
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The crucial point is not that you changed your surname but that you stated a differnet first name than your BC is showing. This ends in a disqualification.
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Thanks Taz,
looks like I will have to wait and try agin in Dv-2011, fingers crossed there is one.
Thanks Taz,
looks like I will have to wait and try agin in Dv-2011, fingers crossed there is one.

Actually, JayNak, if I was you I will not give up hope that easily. Wait for the results to come out. Since you wife also applied you have chance. So just wait and see...
reply, dont give up

Hi Guys,
I think I may have a problem, I applied for dv-2010 lottery and then upon reading some of the posts I think I may have an issue. I’ll start from the beginning… I was born in India (I am using my wife’s country of eligibility – Kenya), on my birth certificate my name is spelled differently from the way that I have been spelling it. On my birth certificate it is spelt xixxxxxx and I have been spelling it since I moved to this country as xeexxxxxx, double e is being used instead of single i, but they are pronounced the sound the same. All my documents from school documentation, UK nationalisation certificate, bank accounts, marriage certificate, mortage etc are all with double 'e' in the name.

Is this going to get me disqualified?

To add to the confusion, in 1995 we had a world wide family name change ( have legal document that states this) and we took on our clan name (as such), so on my birth certificate it is the old surname but I have been using the new surname since 1995.

Is this going to cause any problems?

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for all your help.


Hi, there is no need for worry. I truly believe that you will go through. i would advise you to forget about the other names and consentrate on what you had at birth v what you have right now. (if the middle change was not used on needed documents, A level results etc)

I would advise you to write to KCC a disclosure letter, about the change in Names. let them know you were born as xxxxxx in india, but when you got married to your wife you changed your name to xeexxx. relying on the marriage certificate to prove that.

However if some of the documents you have, have that change you made when you were 7 ( epecially the A level Results) disclosed all. because if the required documents have a different name than the ones mentioned, that will cause you a problem.

Okey, i also had a problem with my names my birth certificate indicated xxxx but in primary 7 i changed and added an h as (xxxxh). so all my documents indicated xxxh NOW. ie employment letters, certificates etc.

what i did to solve the problem, i wrote to KCC telling them my name problem. Lucky for me, in my country if you change your names, you can go back to birth registra and apply for a new birth certificate with the right names. I am not sure whether in india its allowed but you can try it. Though in that case, i would advised you to change your name to the one you used when you were 7. that would mean you close off the one you were born with, and show only the second change to the one your using.

Dont just give up, try to see whether something can be done for you. Some times you can also get your birth and death certificate registra in india to write a written acknowledgement that your still the same person (birth to now though changes in names vary)

Or you write an affidavit stating all the changes in your names, making photocopies of all documents indicating the names, then take them to the registrar in india (dealing in birth registration) who should certified your affidavit ( or commission it, if they are allowed)that your the same person. Then take that with you to the embassy.

Dont just give up.
Take care
thanks Ireb,
I will try to get relatives in India to make enquires about getting a birth certificate re-printed with the name that is used now.

Thanks again.