TSC will become further slow.....why ???


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Day by day TSC’s processing performance is deteriorating. It has become too slow and there is not many approvals in May, June & July months, even though there is not many I-140’s and I-129’s (H1-B). Now it will be flooded with I-140/I-485 concurrent processing cases (EAD’s & AP’s). The other major problem is with the recent ‘Adress Change’ (AR-11) regulation. For more info go to LATimes.com and the article name is ‘Noncitizens Must Report Address Changes to INS ‘ of dated 07/28/02 and it says that there are 10 million non-citizens are living in US.
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For example, if 15% people are moving in a YEAR (12 months time) then 1.5 million AR-11 applications will be filed at different Service Center’s and at least 500,000 (half million) will be filed at TSC. Now, INS is giving priority to update the Address Change cases. Already the security check (IBIS) is affected a lot. Now on wards, it will definitely affect the regular processing and we can not imagine how things will move with TSC.
May be we could contact the Senators/Congressmen in each states (which comes under TSC jurisdiction) personally after getting the appointment with them. We will ask them about ‘is it our mistake/bad luck to live in the state where you are Senator/Congressmen ?’ We will show them about other Service Center’s processing performance. If we try in all TSC area states, may be couple of senators/Congressmen will focus the issues to TSC. Do we have the co-ordination among us to bring the issues ? You could answer yourself.
Do we have the co-ordination among us to bring the issues ?

No matter what course of action you may want to take, I agree
with one thing that the members in this baord are just not interested in doing anything. They are just frustrated and dont want to do anything. They all may have diffrent reasons. Simply, some fo them are just not pressed for time ot get the GC, so why should they do anyhting. There are 4-5 groups of people on this forum:

1. Those who have filed recently (2002 onwards): They think that I have just filed, it is not so bad. It has been just 6 months so why should I do anyhting
2. Those who have filed in 2002 and have received FP: They think they are lucky and one step ahead. they should not be complaining about anything. My approval may come tomorrow, why should I care.
3. Those who filed in 2001 and still have not received FP: These people are most affected but for some reasons they dont want to take any action either.
4. 2001 filers with FP: they are again complacent thinking they got their FP and so they are ahead of other 2001 filers.
4. Then there are 1999/2000 filers: These people are so frustrated that they dont even come to the board any longer.
5. And then there is one group of people who just arent pressed for time and dont care when their GC to come they jsut brouse the forum to get some idea.

No matter which group you belong to, there are chances the GC process is sooner or later going to bother you. I think what we lack in this board is a leadership and a cordiantion among the members. Nobody want to do anyhting
I am in

I am in for senator/congressman representation. But when i contacted Congressman, she just got the status of my case and did not bother to ask TSC more why it is so slow.

Can we hire some lawyer collectively, even 20 people are good. We can pool money and hire the lawyer and represent this case. What do you all think? Venkat, I am sure you had a lot of experience contacting the lawyer(Rajiv) or Ms. Murthy. Why do we take initiative like that. What do you all think about this. I Can do also.

Guys/gals please respond who all can chip-in money to hire lawyer. This will really makes the difference. We are trying to go the route involves with no or less money. Let us have money and the lawyer would defnitely take care of that.
Dear friends,
Yes it is true that the TSC forum is not at all active, if you compare with the other service center forums. But the pending cases are more in TSC, we have act together to do some thing instead of sitting quiet. But some body has to take the initiative, we need the advices from experts like GKING and Jaxen etc.,. If any body having a good ideas on this please post on this forum. Next month most of the Service centers will spend time on auditing, only one month left in this fiscal year, hurry up friends we have to act now, otherwise we have to wait years. AILA is not at all speaking on the TSC issue since long time. Please through your ideas.
What to do?


I touch this before in MSN Texas immigration.
I don't think any lawyer will take the case against INS. If they had a bad reputation on INS this can affect their performance so don't expect much from them.
If you write to senators it won't do much because they don't give a da$%#nm about us!.
So what we can do?
I would suggest to contact an organization that is already fighting and have representation. (They must be citizens!!!!!)
We are trying to get GC so its not sure for us to remain in USA that's what senators think. They see a 50/50 chance for you to get the GC so why bother and create problems. Thre is a big anti-immigrant sentiment in USA so they won't help us if we are alone.

If we have somebody or some group backing us then we have representation.
I am all for it for doing something but only if we have a good chance to do some damage (meaning getting results) otherwise this will create more frustation and depresion, etc.
I know there are organizations fighting for ilegal immigrants why we can not find an organization to fight for LEGAL immigrants.

Just my 0.02.;)
I agree, lawyers wont be of much help. I believe

immigrant lawyers are part of the problem. Well, one can argue about that.. but I wont go into it.

About any organization who will take up our issue, I don think anyone will help us. There was a group isn.org. But I dont trust them, I believe thay have ahd their own personal agenda.

Group has to be formed by us. We have to be group and a collective and united voice has to be heard. First thing we need to do is how many people are here who are REALLY willing to so something. We dodnt know what we will be doing but we all know the issue. So let us see how many people are really interested in doing something.

We need some really committed and agressive people who can show some leadership. I can volunteer to do this. But is would like to see atleast 4-5 candidate beside me who can lead and work on this agressively. Overall, we would like to see 30-50 people initially committing to join together in order to do something.
AR-11 goes to Washington and not TSC

I have asked this question to the lawyer:

My info are there with TSC since I have several applications with them in the past few years, so why should I report the address again

the reply was that the Address for all AR-11 is in washington, it is not related to TSC or any other service center.
So I guess that at least from that point u should not worry

u should worry alot about the concurrent stuff though