TSC: I-485 approved !!! for three of us (my wife, My daughter and myself)


Registered Users (C)
I-485 cases are approved

RD / ND APRIL 2002
Approval Date: 25th June 2004

Friay, 25th June 2004:
Time 3:00PM (PST)

i get 6 emails( 2 for each applicant) into my inbox from USCIS stating all our I-485 cases are approved. what a relief and moment of joy !!!

Thansk for one and all supporting actively and passively to this forum.

My service center is Texas (approved from, too) . I moved to California two weeks ago with my family and kids and i did not update my address with INS. it is still Houston - TX.

Now is there a way i can attend the interview in CA or do i need to go to TX with my wife and daughter. Please advice. i appreciate your expericnes and thouhgts.
How about your fingerprint

Hi Devaa, congrats...!

From your post I would assume you filed I-485 at TSC then moved to California without transferring the case over to CSC. Where did you do fingerprint, TSC or CSC? I am going to face the same situation soon. Thanks for sharing your information.

we all had our finger prints done from Seattle - WA during April 2003

we all had our finger prints done from Seattle - WA during April 2003. I was working there during that period.


I was told by some of my friends that i can visit any USCIS center regardless the Service Center that approved our GC and get the stamping done.

Can some one please validate this?

Any thoughts on this would help grealty.

thanks in advance to all.

For the stamping, I think I've heard the same thing before. With the approval notice, you can go to any local BCIS office to get your passport stamped. But this is just something I heard of, not sure where to find the regulation for it. I think there is no harm to try your local office first. Or maybe you can call the 1-800 number to verify, but I really doubt if those CSR know this. Good luck!