Trip to canada - GC hold and US birth cert


Registered Users (C)
We are planning to visit Canada in next 3 weeks, me and my wife have GCs but my new born has US birth certificate, here are the questions:

a) Does GC holder requires canadian visa?
b) Can US citizen without passport travel to canada?
a) Does GC holder requires canadian visa?

b) Can US citizen without passport travel to canada?
-----Yes, but with some sort of ID like BC, DL etc.
shahabraja said:
a) Does GC holder requires canadian visa?

Generally No. Not unless you plan to do business in Canada. GC holders who visit Canada as tourists do not require visa.

shahabraja said:
b) Can US citizen without passport travel to canada?

Generally Yes. If you are driving across border to Canada you need to take proof of US citizenship with you. If you are flying, you need passport.
FunnyWait said:
dsfgh100 - Can you take a moment and answer my questions posted for you in a separate thread ?

FunnyWait, You asked an original set of 6 or 7 questions. I answered each and every question. Then you started disputing with my answers, and started attacking me personally. For example, in your last paragraph in that post you said I am against immigrant. That is slander (JoeF's word of the week). It is absolutely not true that I am against immigrants. I believe United States needs to respect people who follow the rule of law and become legal immigrants in this great country. I did not want to reply to you because I am not interested in debating with some one who reaches conclusions without basis. I hope you will not extend this into another personal attack on me like JoeF seems to be doing these days.

Live free, live happy.

Vote Bush '04
dsfgh100 said:
FunnyWait, You asked an original set of 6 or 7 questions. I answered each and every question. Then you started disputing with my answers, and started attacking me personally. For example, in your last paragraph in that post you said I am against immigrant. That is slander (JoeF's word of the week). It is absolutely not true that I am against immigrants. I believe United States needs to respect people who follow the rule of law and become legal immigrants in this great country. I did not want to reply to you because I am not interested in debating with some one who reaches conclusions without basis. I hope you will not extend this into another personal attack on me like JoeF seems to be doing these days.

Live free, live happy.

Vote Bush '04

I guess you did not answer all the questions such as your credentials. How do you know I reached at conclusions without basis ? Also if you are not against immigrants and if you are a born citizen then your presence here just doesn't make any sense. You appear to have come here with some agenda and I am trying to find it. I found many of your posts unfriendly and that made me write my posts to find out your agenda. Is it possible for you to answer my questions in one of my previous posts and your agenda ? If you are a genuine person you would asnwer them otherwise you will leave them unanswered and it will prove that you are here to trouble others. It seems everybody here is against you and I just want to give you a chance to clear yourself from all the comments made against you.
Any one read any good books lately? How about this book called "Slander" by Ann Coulter? She is one cool person, and the book is a master piece. Every foreigner becoming US citizen should read it, and understand what she is saying. Just my opinion....