Trcker Waiting for approval APR/MAY/JUNE


Registered Users (C)
Can we track the number of people who are waiting for approval with FP FINISHED with a VSC 485 Receipt Date in APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2001.

We can combine these 3 months as there are not many applicants who were able to get the notices or who were not able to apply during this time frame due to lack of approved 140s as part of VSC delyaed 140 approvals earlier part of this year.

Post your details with PD/RD/ND/EB Category
May be or may not be

Since VSC is into March approvals, and also the approvals by Month spread usualls by 3 months (like in November, we saw approvals ranging from Dec00, Jan 01, Feb 01). I feel like the approvals for these 3 months (APR/MAY/JUNE) is right around the corner.

I am predicting most of the cases for these 3 months will be approved by Jan 02.
milk - I think this is a great initiative

Most of us in the prolonged GC process lose control over our lives, career, etc. This will give folks some idea about things coming down the road - a little control over their future.

Needless to say I agree with you that the I-485 process will soon pick up steam for the reasons stated by you.
PD 05/03/00 RD 06/04/01 ND 08/06/01 FP 11/29/01

good initiative....
immitracker graphs show that there are only a few cases in march/april and may. Hope we are all done by Jan 02
PD 05/03/00 RD 06/04/01 ND 08/06/01 FP 11/29/01

good initiative....
immitracker graphs show that there are only a few cases in march/april and may. Hope we are all done by Jan 02
Pd-03/2000;Rd-04/2001;Nd-05/2001;Fp-12/2001;Waiting for approval.

hi all,

i completed fp on dec 6th.i called FBI today&they said they sent back the results to INS on dec 6th when can i expect the approval?

June RD

RD: 6/20/01
ND: 8/10/01
FP: 11/26/01
Country: India
AVM Says ins has received FP on dec 6th and pending for review.
(Same for wife)
PD - 05/97, RD - 06/11/01, ND 08/13/01 FP 11/30/01

Thanks , Milk for your encouraging and optimistic analysis of situation. I agree with your opinion.