Travel without passport? No citizenship?


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I received my GC recently and I want to give up my original citizenship so I'll have to give up my passport. Is there anyway I would be able to travel without a national passport. I won't be a citizen of any country... is there any one with some experience in this?

Thank You for your help
What do you mean by giving up your citizenship ?

Which country's passport do you carry now(current citizen of which country) and what will be your new passport (New citizen of which country)
Oh!! OK..We all do that one time in our life.

To my knowledge, that journey do not require GC or flight booking..!!

Then why you bother about citizenship...?

Good luck !!!:(
Let's assume that you were able to rid yourself of the original citizenship. (Rules and procedures vary from one country to another and so do fees for doing so). Your next step then would be to apply for a travel document (the all so familiar I-131):

Bear in mind the following though:

- many countries are more reluctant to issue visas to bearers of the travel document than to those who have green cards and are still in posession of their national passports. It's a sad mistake to think that your travel will be made easier.. Au contraire!

- you will need a visa to go to the country of your original citizneship.. And getting one after giving up the citizenship won't be a piece of cake.
super_yoshi_200, the moment you give up ur citizenship and get rid of your passport you basically give up ur GC, as GC is only for "permanent residence". You may not be able to reenter US with just your GC and no passport.
Better to wait for 5 years, get a US passport and travel like any other US citizen.
Originally posted by adyav
super_yoshi_200, the moment you give up ur citizenship and get rid of your passport you basically give up ur GC, as GC is only for "permanent residence". .

Not true.. Many refugees and asylees do not have passports yet are granted US residency... In theory, the only document you need to enter the USA is your GC.
Isn't it true that one needs to carry a passport to travel ?

How come you can give up your citizenship by your self ?
then ... which country you belong to after your giveup your citizenship ? Alien Land ??? or ??

GC is for permanent residence not citizenship .... you need to obtain citizenship after a wait of 5 years in US ....
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My undestanding is that you cannot give up your citizenship voluntarily unless you:
a) Take up citizenship of another country and your home country does not allow dual citizenships,
b) You commit a crime or do something that causes your home country to withdraw your citizenship and/or cancel your passport (one reason could be that the citizenship was obtained fraudulently).
c) You seek and get asylum in the US fleeing some kind of persecution and your home country will not issue you a passport. Such people are also considered as "stateless" and can get a refugee travel document that can be used in lieu of a passport.
You need

I don't think any country would take back the passport unless they ensure that u have acquired citizenship or they want to intentionally skrew ur happiness.

If you think that u'll will acquire citizenship by throwing away ur passport.Go ahead and do it.

any psychiatrist on the forum.!!!
LOL.... Man ... O ... Man..

I almost fell off my chair .... after reading this message and the replies.. no wonder people say that the center of power will be shifting elsewhere from US in next 10 years ..... because US is providing GC to all applicants like this threadstarter... and us who are replying to him by spending time.. :D :D :D

Man... what's going to happen to the software world.... GOD save the WORLD ... :D :D :D
LOL.... Man ... O ... Man..

I almost fell off my chair .... after reading this message and the replies.. no wonder people say that the center of power will be shifting elsewhere from US in next 10 years ..... because US is providing GC to all applicants like this threadstarter... and us who are replying to him by spending time.. :D :D :D

Man... what's going to happen to the software world.... GOD save the WORLD ... :D :D :D
Do not give up your passport yet. Travel to Canada. As soon as you land at the Canadian airport, flush your passport down the toilet. Then claim asylum in Canada. Its time tested and works well.