Travel to Canada under AOS


Registered Users (C)
I plan to visit Canada and come back to US using my AP. I am holding a valid H1-B and also I-485 pending (AOS). Do I need to submit my current I-94 when I board the airplane? Did anyone have similar experience? Thanks,
Firstly, why do u want to use AP when u already have a valid H1. You should travel on H1 as long as you can as its much more convenient than AP. Also, once u use ur AP ONCE, your H1 will be invalid & u can't use it why to loose the previledge of H1.
Now, if, due to some reason u delibrately want to move to AP, then its fine.

About I-94, well, whenever u r "flying" out of US (even to Canada or Mexico)you have to give it back to airlines ppl before u board the plane.

But if u r "driving" to these conntries then u don't necessaily have to give them 1-94 & u can drive back using same 1-94.
atleast this was the case till last sure if the procedures have changed now...
rs_mangat said:
About I-94, well, whenever u r "flying" out of US (even to Canada or Mexico)you have to give it back to airlines ppl before u board the plane.

I've never had to give my I-94 card back when flying to Canada.

U might be right regarding 1-94 as I've never flown to canada. To be on safe side, I always fly to buffalo & then drive.

About H1 "not" becoming invalid after using AP, well, I was not aware of this as I had read at many places that it becomes invalid. But since this forum is full of GURUS....i, kind of, trust u guys..!!
rs_mangat said:
U might be right regarding 1-94 as I've never flown to canada. To be on safe side, I always fly to buffalo & then drive.

About H1 "not" becoming invalid after using AP, well, I was not aware of this as I had read at many places that it becomes invalid. But since this forum is full of GURUS....i, kind of, trust u guys..!!
Don't have to blindly trust us :)

H1 and using AP are indeed independent -- Read the Cronin Memo.

With that being the case, using AP is by far the easiest way to re-enter the US.
The ONLY docs you need are the AP and passport (compare that to the truck load of cr@p you need take for a H1 !!!!)