Travel After GC Stamping


Registered Users (C)
Hi Everybody

I got my GC stamping done last week. Can I travel based on the GC Stamping on the passport or wait till receive the Actual CARD. What are all the documents to be carried if in case travelling without the Plastic Card.


AD :06/14/2004
gc_2025 said:
Hi Everybody

I got my GC stamping done last week. Can I travel based on the GC Stamping on the passport or wait till receive the Actual CARD. What are all the documents to be carried if in case travelling without the Plastic Card.


AD :06/14/2004

Stamping is equivalent of GC. There is no problem of travelling. Take your DL with you.
you need some bags with clothes...some moni...ticket and passport...if you have kids and wife you dont need can travel without them....

gc_2025 said:
Hi Everybody
What are all the documents to be carried if in case travelling without the Plastic Card.


AD :06/14/2004
The stamp is the equivalent of your Green Card as far as re-entering the US. However, please make sure you check the Transit Visa rules for countries that you may be traveling thru. The rules are the not the same for Transit Visa's if you have a Permanent Resident Stamp in your passport vs. the physical Green Card.
rg585 said:
The stamp is the equivalent of your Green Card as far as re-entering the US. However, please make sure you check the Transit Visa rules for countries that you may be traveling thru. The rules are the not the same for Transit Visa's if you have a Permanent Resident Stamp in your passport vs. the physical Green Card.

Yes, some countries like Switzerland does not consider stamp on passport as plastic card.