Transiting via frankfurt on AP


Registered Users (C)

My wife's traveling to India on AP. Unfortunately she is transiting through frankfurt where a transit visa is needed (as per german consulate).

Have any of you had experience printing/notarizing the visa application form ?
This is a damn 3 page form (most of what is writen is difficult to discern..).

Should I print it 2 sided (so 2 pages) or 1 sided (3 pages).
Also should the declaration form also be notarized (in addition to
notirizing the signature on the main application form) ?

I was in the same boat as you, any public notary will notarize it for you, as I understand almost all bank have a notary on their premises.

I had printed the app form on seperate pages, notarized just the signature page, if you are sending the form by mail make sure you notarize the passport page as well.
Some more questions..


Thank you for the reply.

Did you include a self addressed courier (fedex,etc) ..or you just paid the $15 fee and they sent the stamped docs back to you by courier ?

Also printout of itinerary works fine. right ?

I went to India this June using AP via Frankfurt.
I called the consulate and verified (in june) that AP holders doesnt need transit visas.
They didnt ask me for transit visa.
Call them and find out.
I travelled in Nov on AP and had to take KLM since Netherlands does not need transit visa all the other B**tards need it.
