Transfered from CSC to Dallas/TX Local Office


Registered Users (C)
My case has been transferred from CSC to Dallas/TX local office on Dec 19th 2003. Two days ago my attooney has received 2nd FP notice. Tomorrow I'm going local ASC (Appliaction Support Center) here in SanJose/CA because right now I'm in CA.

Could you please any one have same situation which their case trannsferred from any service center to Dallas/TX office and How long does it take to either get an interview or get approved?
More details will really appreciated.

I have some questions?
1. Shell I wait to get an interview from Dallas/TX office?
Suppose If I get I have travel to Dallas and get it finish
2. Anyone know how much queue is still pending transfer queue?
3. if I want to transfer from Dallas/TX office to SanJose/Ca office how long does it take the transfer? Because I lives in San Jose/Ca?

But It looks like my file is moving in Dallas/TX office because two days ago we received the 2nd FP notice..

Waiting for some experience.....
