Transfer to local office based on arrest?


Registered Users (C)
I just spoke to my lawyer and he said he is 99% sure that my case will be transfered to a local office becuase I answered yes to the 485 quetion asking if you have ever been arrested.

In my case the other part was found guilty and all the charges against me were dropped.

Is it true that it my case would be transfered for sure to the local office based on the arrest?

Anybody has a similar experience? if so what papers to bring? (i have court transcipts but i doubt an officer will understand them) can i bring my lawyer to the interview?

If a case is transfered to a local office would this delay even more my case? if so for how long at the Atlanta office

I would appreciate any answers or experiences that you can share with me, even incomplete answers will really help.

Best Regards


  1. Yes, the probability is very high for a local office transfer.
  2. Even if proven NOT guilty, still an arrest is an arrest. You have answered it correctly. You need to clarify the arrest record with the documents at your disposal.
  3. Even if the legalese documents are difficult to understand, still they are required at the time of interview.
  4. List of documents to be brought will be in the interview letter. If the local Atlanta Office figures that the arrest is for a high-risk crime, it may even seek important court and other police records, immediately after your case is transferred.
  5. You have a right to bring your attorney. At least, that will be a moral support to you, during interview. You also have the right to waive such a right.
  6. Atlanta local office is hopeless. It is 2.5 years behind the current date in calling for interviews. Interviews are based not on transfer dates, but on receipt dates on your notice.
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