Traffic Tickets


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Hi All,

I guess this must have been answered earlier. I am completing the N-400 application; and wondering what to do with the Traffic violation citation I got ( part 10, question 15/16/17/18 ).

Basically I got the ticket, not arrested; Didn’t plead anything in the court; Court did put any fine or points on my driver record; just had to pay the court fee. Now I am wondering how to represent this on the N-400 form

First of all, you have to determined if traffic violations are
criminal or civil in your state. In about 10 or so states (Massachuseest, Oregon, Florida, etc), ordinary travvic violations
are completely de-criminalized. If you got yoor ticket, then
you are only civilly sued by DMV. N400 only ask you to disclose
crminal matters. Thus you don't have to worry about yoru ticket
if you got teh ticket in, say, Massachusetts. You answer No to that question.

Otherwise, you simply say Yes to that question and go to teh court to get a disposition document. I have two traffic violations
charfges before. I plead no contest to one and the judge
dismissed the case as a bargain deal that the judge say every defendent paying teh fine will get a dismissal because teh courtroom was too crowded. For teh oether ticket, I did what you did---send a check with the ticket to court thus I got
aconviction on stop sign violations. I regred that I did not fight tht fight. I got certified disposition document from one charge.
But i forgot the whcih court I went for teh otehr ticket. I will
locate teh court and got teh document of dispostion too in the

Finally, I don't think it is an important matter. After new-400, Many people do not realize they have to disclose traffic violations because they do not know triaffi9c violations are technically crimes. But i don't see they are denyed citizenship for this.

Regarding issues of traffici violations as civil or crminal, the following site is about Flordia. It says that DUI, driving without
license is criminal while speeding etc are only civil infractions.
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>"That's essentially the point. With DUIs, DWIs or reckless driving
>you could get into problems. Simple speeding tickets, as long as
> it is not reckless driving, do not result in N-400 denials."

Is reckless driving the same as careless driving in Florida?,
That website says, in Florida, careless driving is still a civil

"If you are charged with a civil infraction (careless driving, speeding etc.) you must elect one of the following three options within 30 days of the citation. If you have any questions about civil infractions call (352) 486-5273."
lots of discussion on traffic. could we say that it is a crime if you are fingerprinted (DUI) and it is a cival case if you are not. can we use this standards to cut a boundary?
>could we say that it is a crime if you are fingerprinted (DUI) and >it is a cival case if you are not. can we use this standards to cut >a boundary?

No. You can not use that as a standard. A lot of non-serious
crime offenders do not get fingerprinted. The only way to make
sure is to carefully read yoru ticket and chec out what law in
the related jurisdiction says.
If one gets a ticket but the case is dismissed in the court ... does one still need to report it?