Tracker and Discussion - April 15


Registered Users (C)
Please update your details in the following Tracker. This Tracker is extremely user friendly.

We have seen 13 approvals with AD on April 1-15. 3 EB3 case, 10 EB2 cases. 8 with Jan-March 2001 ND, 4 with 2000 ND, and 1 with Dec 1999 ND. 11 of these approvals have been with Feb/March 2002 FP date and according to the tracker 2 with 2001 FP date (but these might not have been updated and these people might have had a second FP in Feb/march 2002 as well.

You should be next to be approved. Have you checked AVM? Wish you good luck. Have you thought about how you are going to handle the tracker after your approval?? We all will definitely need the tracker even after you are gone.
Does patienceGC record exists in the tracker? I just entered him as a new data

I could not find any existing record with RD 8/99 and ND 10/99
I plan on trying to keep this tracker alive for a long time

I hope to be able to keep this tracker around for a long time. It only costs me $10 per month to host my domain. I also made it real time so that if I go on vacation its not dependent on me to update the reports.

Also, now that I have an Admin feature if I do go out of town or what not then I can perhaps forward emails to the admins for password retrievals etc.
That sound great

I am sure myself and all who just filed recently will have to wait a year or more for their approvals. As you know, from time to time we need to update/enter data to the tracker to keep it updated. You can either continue to do it after your approval or I can take charge after your approval.
I plan on being around even after my approval

Yeah I do hope I get my approval soon. I am planning on going to Kenya end of June for a month hopefully will be travelling as a GC approved person :)

Anyway, I have learnt a lot about this whole process and I plan on staying around the boards and the tracker to try and help others out. My hope is with recent events and the President Bush mandate that all INS applications be processed within 6 months by 2003 is a reality and people like me and those who have waited longer is a thing of the past.

FYI The PatienceGC approval the guy said he is not really PatienceGC its just that when he posts data when not logged in it gave him that ID.
Tracker updates

PatienceGC: I dont know what his real name/ID is. I think it does not hurt to add his data as I did not find any other person with approval on 4/1/2002 and similar RD/ND. So this is definitely not a duplicate.
2001Dream: I updated the information as suggested by Gking.
sri_yealu and sridevi: This does seem to be exact same information. They may be husband and wife. But I think the idea of of the tracker is to be able to track and not count approvals. Therefore I think it is Ok to remove one of the entry.

One more suggestion for P5NXP600 : In our main tracker page(and may be the data entry page) we may want add a link to this (exact link for the I-485 discussion forum: letting people know that the discussions related to this tracker is held at this forum. I know you have a general link somewhere in the site but that does not tell people about the trackers relationship with this forum. The reason is that on some other forums, I had put some postings for people to enter their data on our tracker. These people did enter their data but never visit the forum therefore these people are less likely to update their data. Just my thought. If it is not too hard to make these changes, it might be worth it.
No Title

then how come people with FP 03/02 are getting approved?? I don\'t understand the logic... It is frustrating to wait forever when people with almost the same date as urs are getting approved...
Data updated

I have updated the data in the tracker as follows:
GAV911: Approval was already there, nothing changed even though the dates are slightly different from what posted by Gking
Nash: updated with the AD
GC01: updated with the AD
ABC 123: updated with the AD. Left RD/ND unchanged as it is slightly different from what posted by Gking
Immigrant88: updated with the AD

If there is any error in these updated, all individual users should bring it to our attention for any correction.

Thank you

BTW, SINU whose ND is 3/29/02 in the tracker has already got his FP. Thats amazing. He has updated the tracker in the remarks area.
I think TSC mainly concentrating on old cases rather than new ones.

They want clear all the cases with PD 1999 and 2000. I saw some approvals with RD of March 2001. I think before they start any April 2001 cases, they will get rid of all the old cases, then AOS processing will really improve and we can all benefit from that.
Ok done

I put a link to the MSN discussion and the I-485 TSC Issue discussion on top of the report page. Hopefully this is what you were looking for.
Congratulations!! I have not received any thing so far

Where are you from gking? Did you receive yourself or your lawyers received it??
I saw lot of people who done FP earlier than mentioned in FP

notices, so far I haven\'t seen any denials or transfers to Local INS.
I will update the tracker for these approvals

Gking, when are you ding your FP. It seems you have taken out your FP date from the tracker ...
Details of Suibian

EB2 China, RD 12/14/01, ND 12/15/01, FP 2/7/02, AD 4/15/02

BTW, he\'s not the President of Taiwan, that guy is Shuibian :)
Question for Gking, --

Where did you find Hawk\'s information? He has very similar RD & ND to mine however he got his FP done in March. I searched for Hawk on this site, but only found one in NSC discussion group.
