To greaty-k


Registered Users (C)
Hi greaty-k!
I posted a request a few days ago to change the way the date filter acts on your data. Under the current setup, if a user clicks on approvals for "Today", "Yesterday" etc, the result seems to be fetched according to the date of the latest update (today, yesterday and so on) rather than the actual approval date itself. Do you think you could fix this? I mean, its no big deal either way, but thought that it would be more precise if you fetched the data according to the approval date instead of date of latest update. Thanks!
Hi...Please read.....

The reason why its currently based on "Last updated feild is" because most of the people who get approved dont update their status immediately.
They come back after a day or two sometimes a week.Thats why the report is based on the "last updated" feild.
Moreover,the report shows you the approval date of each person.

But now, I am WORKING ON to have two columns in the Pre-defined selection which will have Filter by "Approval Date" and "Last updated date".
I am planning to do that in a week\'s time.
But,for now,if you wish to view approvals on a particular date(even though they are updated after a week), on the same page on left side, enter the dates,select center and select the filter as "approval date". So it will show you all the approvals for that date.
Also,the system remembers the dates, your filter and center criterea when you visit the same page next time.So just change the date and get the report.
Let me know if you have any other feedback