TO Funkyjunky


Registered Users (C)
Hi Funkyjunky

Looks like you went through the pain of AOS process and finally blessed with GC , Congratulations and have fun

I am recently moved to MI area and my I-1485 was filed at VSC. I am currently using AC21 by changing it to new employer after completing almost an year on pending I-485 application at VSC with approved I-140 (EB3). I updated with AR-11 for address change but didnt inform about AC21 !!

I am kind of nervous that my case could get transfered to local INS office in detroit area since i am using AC21 and at the same time USCIS judistriction change too, so would like to find some information about processing trends and interview scheduling times in detroit INS office incase if gets transfered

Would appreciate your input and opinion what you have found, also i saw your treads , it took 8 months to get your interview from local office and some others like 2-3 months for derivative applicants but their primary applicants case was approved at Service center (dont know why ?)

i am kind of worrying about the thing which was not happend yet but mentally preparing for future , is it good to get transfered to local office at detroit because service centers taking such a long time almost 2 years at VSC ?
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I also switched jobs just before the interview but the interviewer didn't even ask for a letter from my employer. (I had a letter from my new job in case they asked)

The BCIS has stated, however, that you should inform them. I would inform them and simply keep a copy of the letter. I am prepared to bet good money that they will lose the thing anyway.

Regarding the AR11. I agree that you must do the form thing but I know that it is a waste of time since there is a massive backlog of these letters - so much for fighting terrorism. This is simply a waste of time and money - a game we have to play. If I were you, I would follow the AR-11 up with a phone call to confirm the change of address - that way they will send all communications to your new address.

I would think that a transfer is a good thing (just make sure they send it to the correct local office and not the National Records Center). The reason I say this is that my case has been approved before it should have been if you look at the stats. On the other hand, this might just have been another freak in a freak show.

I think the reason that some dependent cases are approved after the primary case is that the cases get separated (freaky system - are you surprised?). This also happened to me.

If you have been above board with all your docs, then you don't really need to stress (it is very easy to say this since I am now on this side of the GC fence). The interview was merely a formality - they asked me if I was a nazi, a commmunist, I had a history of killing lots of people, if I had intentions of having more than one wife (seriously), if I knew where Bin Ladin was (kidding) or if I was crazy (I answered "no" and that I had my mental hospital discharge papers to prove it).

Seriously though, the interview was actually an enjoyable exercise (OK, so I forged the hospital discharge papers).:D

Good luck guys
Thank you

Very valuable information ; I will call NCS and update my address with USCIS but will wait on updating on AC21 !!

Will appreciate if you can share your personal e-mail to be in touch ; if you dont mind

thanks a million