Tips for expediting the process


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Hi All,

Now that I have the attention of the majority of people, I would like to vent. I have been visiting these forums for a long time but have never felt the need to contribute, mainly because I didn’t know enough to offer any insight into the workings of the USCIS (formerly known as the INS). I would like to thank all the people who have contributed and continue to contribute to this forum from time to time with their valuable advice. I would also like to thank Rajiv for extending a great service to the immigrant community by providing this forum. I have met him a number of times and found him not only to be a very sharp and competent lawyer but also a kind human being with a very good sense of humor and a thorough gentleman. I have learnt a lot from the regulars and not so regular people here. However I have a couple of observations to make. Please take them in the same spirit as they are being rendered, which I must add is sincere. If you feel otherwise, that's your progrative.

When I first came to this country my boss (another expat) gave me two pieces of advice. He said,

a) "Now that you are here, don't try to beat the system".

b) "Second advice is that you 'go with the flow', don't try to make waves, or try to go against the current. You will only tire yourself".

I have found his pearls of wisdom to hold true so many times and in all walks of life in the past 8 years that I have been here. This is a documented society unlike back home, where we are brought up observing people take shortcuts all the time and getting ahead (not that it bears fruit back home in the longer run anyway), but here if you take shortcuts the system will catch up with you sooner or later. I have seen people talk about the "POJ" method, the "Letter to FL", letters to congressmen and/or senators, automated querying the USCIS receipt number db to get status of cases approved in any given week or month. These are not the normal channels of communications that have been provided by the system. It might have borne fruit for the first few but generally now the USCIS has wizened up and they have closed these channels as well. Just read up elsewhere on the forums and you will find that they are now screening caller ID's and refusing to divulge any information to repeat callers using the so called "POJ" method. "Letter to FL" method has also dried up. Also, now they block repetitive queries from one IP address.

The moral of the story is that these few people have now spoiled it for the rest of us. By engaging the IO's with un-necessary methods you are not only aggravating the IO's but also delaying the process for the rest of us. I have for the past 6 years called the USCIS at most 8 times only. Out of those 8 times I have talked to an actual IO (as opposed to the contractors at the private call center) only three times. Two times I talked to a couple of very nice ladies and they were as helpful as they possibly could. One time I got an obnoxious gentleman who left a bad taste in my mouth. But two out of three is not bad, and I am sure he was either having a bad day or was sick and tired of the incessant calls with people reaching him using the same shortcuts.

I would go mad too if I were to get 50 calls a day from people with heavy accents who have to repeat everything twice to be understood, asking the same questions over and over and over again, day in day out. Don't forget, they are humans too, and work for a living. Yes, we do pay taxes, which in turn go towards their salaries, but remember, we pay the taxes on the same money that we earn by working here in this country, we do not pay taxes on monies that we have either earned or brought with us from the outside. I know, when I came here, I had one five hundred dollars to my name, rest all I earned here. And I used my hard earned money towards the fees for the immigration process. Also remember, immigration benefits are a privilege, not a right. Yes, we are not begging, but we should also not be trying to beat the system and ruin it for the people behind us in line. I know the system is not without it's many flaws and there is not much accountability or oversight towards the workings of the USCIS. Just a few days ago the Assistant Secretary of State Maura Harty, made a public apology to the American people for the passport fiasco in early summer. Why do we not see a senior DHS person apologizing for the inept way the USCIS is being run? The difference is simple. We are immigrants, and are asking for a benefit which is offered as a privilege and not a right.

However, there are plenty of options provided by the system to all immigrants. Calling the Service Centers is one method, when that fails, you can try the InfoPass, if that does not satisfy you, there is the USCIS Ombudsman, if all else fails, provided that you can afford it, you can hire a lawyer and get a judge to issue a "habeas corpus" or any of the other legal means and force the hand of the USCIS to provide results. Yes, it is a lengthy process but still there are avenues and checks and balances provided by the system which can and should be utilized to the fullest extent that the law guarantees. But make use of common sense.

Calling every day/week/month, for months asking the same questions, not only doesn't make sense but also is kind of useless. Believe me, calling USCIS to get your address changed every other week will not "trigger" an approval. A lengthy Letter to the congressman will trigger a one page form letter with a signature stamped by the administrative staff of the congressman and/or senator to the FBI will not put your case on the fast track. The congressmen/senators will not do much beyond that being the politicians they are as you cannot vote, well, not for at least another 5 years. And 5 years in politics is an eternity. What it will do however, is that it will engage some resources of the USCIS towards these distractions and keep them from doing their regular work, and tax the already overloaded and inefficient USCIS, which has finite number of resources to work with in on our cases to begin with. I have been patient all these years, and yes, maybe too reticent, but please be conscious of others as well.

I485 RD June, 2003 (VSC)
I-140 AD Nov, 2005 (VSC)
I485 Tr'ffrd to TSC April, 2007
NameCheck Pending since Dec, 2004 (as per Infopass, May 2007)
Wrote to USCIS Ombudsman June, 2007
5th EAD July, 2007
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I am sorry, but since when:
1) calling the 1-800 # listed in recipt notice ( which you did 8 times),
2) writing to request FL to look into your immigration case,
3) writing congressmen (most congressmen website have the detailed procedure for this, because it is normal),
4) filing FOIPA,

are "backdoor" procedures? These procedures are in place to grease the wheels. No harm in trying any or all of these options. Quite a few amongst us have had great success with these methods (and I am very thankful that they shared their successful procedures with us). I wish I was one of those few, but still. It just might work.

Now, I am sorry to see that you have been made to wait this long. Most of us have too...if you consider our priority dates.

Best of luck and I hope you reach the end of your GC journey by the end of this year.
You may want to format your rant since its difficult to using paragraphs maybe?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Most of these opinions are from ones personal experiences.

I dont think that we should be complacent when we know that something is not right. "Privilege" or "right" doesnt really matter. Nobody does anybody any favor about anything.

We should know how to protect ourselves. Going with the flow may look easy. If it works go with it. If it doesnt we should be ready to against it.

Remember , Necessity is mother of invention. If you need GC really badly then we invent new ways to speed up the process . If we are comfortable in the job we have and GC is just another step in a process then I wouldnt care for it much. If you are a consultant, much of your progress is tied to GC in one way or other.
If you are sick and tired of waiting....try Writ of Mandamus lawsuit....

If not continue, the saga of emails/mails to various government agencies....and wait for another 3-6 months for fruitful outcome...
How long to be patient?

I agree with you GCLingum to a certain limit. But I can't accept them anymore.

My PD is Dec 2001.
I-140/485 files in July 2003.
I-140 approved - Dec 2003.
In between 3 FP's.

I never called USCIS till the last week of JUNE 2007. All my friends who applied on the same day as mine got approved in 2005.
Even after that I was patient for more than 2 years. I will challenge USCIS if they found any problem with my case. Very simple and straight forward.

They didn't question all my friends where they are working even they changed jobs. Why the HELL I got RFE for just Employment even I am still working in the same company? OK they want to clarify then why didn't they issue my GC immediately after the clarification in March 2005 when PD is current?

What they need to look into my file? They can ask if they need any thing more AFTER 6 YEARS. As per NSC IO's every case is different. I am accepting that answer. BUT WHY CAN'T they work on my case? WHY they keep it aside and start work on the LATER cases? Where is the process? TELL ME WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH MY CASE? OK we will call a dn raise an SR. DID ANYONE GET CORRECT RESPONSE ON THEIR CASES OTHER THAN GENERIC MESSAGE? Did any one find it helpful.

Different people in the same boat get the same SR response, and one case will be approved next day and another case will be pending for 2 more years.

Common, we are also working here, but I can't postpone my work for too long. I need to answer my manager. We all work as a team, discuss issues and resolve things. Thats is our job. WHY THE HELL USCIS don't follow these rules?

They said they still process all these pending cases during the retrogression period? WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE DOING WITH MY CASE SINCE MARCH 2005? What are they doing from the last two years? WHY THEY NEED TO WORK OVERTIME NOW?


No more Discussions.
GCLingum / vvvunlucky

We do understand your problem, but do you think even without bothering them, are they making the right decisions to approve nor do they follow any patterns / procedures ??

Even my friends are suffering from lot of USCIS issues including me. Excitement is a normal human cause and I really doubt if that is baffling TSC IO's. If that is the cause, let them stop answering the calls and why do they give options to reach them. Online should be good enough for all.

My friend who applied in 1998 is still waiting with my PD ( April 2003 ). I believe every thing has a cause from GOD. I have nothing else to say except GOOD LUCK for your endeavors ( if any for GC ).

vvvunlucky: All I can say is I share your frustration, as well as a lot of your thoughts on what appears to be completely screwed up with USCIS processes. Too bad these people aren't accountable for all the times they screw up. No one to answer to, no accountability, nothing. They just do what they like, and hide behind excuses like "security/background checks" whenever anyone tries to probe their actions. Unbelievable.
VVVunlucky , ur frustration is legitimate

Hi VVVunlucky and also gclingum
Your frustrations are legitimate. The whole problem here is not the system or process , we don't have right to GC and hence they (USCIS ) enjoy the privilege of screwing every one. You have to wait wait wait nothing else. There was one door was open , yes Labor subway , even that they closed because they want control of this big tunnel.
One of my friend (first in our group ) filed his 485 in sep 2002 and he is still in same boat no GC.I am sure you must have guessed right , he has done every freaking thing he could do. No outcome.
I missed the bus in 2005 too and tried my best to get noticed by USCIS but no no.They closed the door well.
Every time my EAD (4 ead total ) had some problem or other except the last one when I got the approval of GC. I used to file my EAD 120 days ahead of expiry and they always used to get stuck. I used to call them and do every thing to get interim EAD but of no use. Finally I discovered ( let me share again ) one method which worked (no logic known but worked every time ). When my EAD used to get stuck , at last moment I used to refilled ( efile ) the EAD. Guess what the second used to get approved in 5-6 days and then old one used to get cancelled. One time they approved both and at the same time .I am sure the officer must have fainted by laughing. I had allocated the 2XEAD fees. But the same trick never worked for AP. Due to this AP thing, I missed to attend some function in India.
Just recently, after approval of me and my family's GC, my wife did not get the card. I contacted the USCIS thrice . my card was initially sent to old address and was returned to USCIS. I had the receipt (by USCIS in their std format ) that address change was done by me 2 years ago but still they sent my wife’s card to old address. I opened the SR ticket and that bitch told me call after 45-60 days. I called again (assuming the system will not be able to know that I called last week) and opened the ticket again. She said that the card will be sent today and wait for 30 days (pl note the randomness ) and call back if not received in 30days. After 30 days I took infopass and talked to IO in Florida. I told him that my card has been sent back from my old address. He confidently told me that I had not informed the USCIS about change of address. I said politely, you may be right but seems I did and here is the letter from USCIS saying that I did. He got very visibly embarrassed . I told him not be embarrassed by the act of USCIS TSC ( I deliberately used TSC to comfort him ) otherwise you will be embarrassed every day and it is perfectly OK to us as we are used to it. That guy looked at me and started laughing. He asked me what is OK to you ? I said the way USCIS does it’s job. All the people waiting there as well as other IO started laughing ( I was calm ) . The officer said you have high sense of humor and I got it. Yes after laughing on me and fate for so many years I got very good sense of humor. He did some thing in system and said I am sure this time you will get the card in couple of weeks. I said it is precise but can you be more specific and he smiled and said very soon. I left the office and guess what I got my card after 3 day. So these people work in very ad hock manner . I never understood how and why they behave this way. U have just seen the big drama of current, not available then current again fiasco. Hand in there buddy. Not much u can do about. Again that is my view.
USCIS will not be able to find better spokesman then u

Hi GCLingum
It was nice piece of suggestions and observation.100% correct.I am sure USCIS will not be able to find a better spokesman then you.Send your resume to them along with this published article.:D :) I am sure they will love to take you.BTW the spokesman of USCIS is a highly visible job.Take it easy man.

Hi All,

Now that I have the attention of the majority of people, I would like to vent. I have been visiting these forums for a long time but have never felt the need to contribute, mainly because I didn’t know enough to offer any insight into the workings of the USCIS (formerly known as the INS). I would like to thank all the people who have contributed and continue to contribute to this forum from time to time with their valuable advice. I would also like to thank Rajiv for extending a great service to the immigrant community by providing this forum. I have met him a number of times and found him not only to be a very sharp and competent lawyer but also a kind human being with a very good sense of humor and a thorough gentleman. I have learnt a lot from the regulars and not so regular people here. However I have a couple of observations to make. Please take them in the same spirit as they are being rendered, which I must add is sincere. If you feel otherwise, that's your progrative.

When I first came to this country my boss (another expat) gave me two pieces of advice. He said,

a) "Now that you are here, don't try to beat the system".

b) "Second advice is that you 'go with the flow', don't try to make waves, or try to go against the current. You will only tire yourself".

I have found his pearls of wisdom to hold true so many times and in all walks of life in the past 8 years that I have been here. This is a documented society unlike back home, where we are brought up observing people take shortcuts all the time and getting ahead (not that it bears fruit back home in the longer run anyway), but here if you take shortcuts the system will catch up with you sooner or later. I have seen people talk about the "POJ" method, the "Letter to FL", letters to congressmen and/or senators, automated querying the USCIS receipt number db to get status of cases approved in any given week or month. These are not the normal channels of communications that have been provided by the system. It might have borne fruit for the first few but generally now the USCIS has wizened up and they have closed these channels as well. Just read up elsewhere on the forums and you will find that they are now screening caller ID's and refusing to divulge any information to repeat callers using the so called "POJ" method. "Letter to FL" method has also dried up. Also, now they block repetitive queries from one IP address.

The moral of the story is that these few people have now spoiled it for the rest of us. By engaging the IO's with un-necessary methods you are not only aggravating the IO's but also delaying the process for the rest of us. I have for the past 6 years called the USCIS at most 8 times only. Out of those 8 times I have talked to an actual IO (as opposed to the contractors at the private call center) only three times. Two times I talked to a couple of very nice ladies and they were as helpful as they possibly could. One time I got an obnoxious gentleman who left a bad taste in my mouth. But two out of three is not bad, and I am sure he was either having a bad day or was sick and tired of the incessant calls with people reaching him using the same shortcuts.

I would go mad too if I were to get 50 calls a day from people with heavy accents who have to repeat everything twice to be understood, asking the same questions over and over and over again, day in day out. Don't forget, they are humans too, and work for a living. Yes, we do pay taxes, which in turn go towards their salaries, but remember, we pay the taxes on the same money that we earn by working here in this country, we do not pay taxes on monies that we have either earned or brought with us from the outside. I know, when I came here, I had one five hundred dollars to my name, rest all I earned here. And I used my hard earned money towards the fees for the immigration process. Also remember, immigration benefits are a privilege, not a right. Yes, we are not begging, but we should also not be trying to beat the system and ruin it for the people behind us in line. I know the system is not without it's many flaws and there is not much accountability or oversight towards the workings of the USCIS. Just a few days ago the Assistant Secretary of State Maura Harty, made a public apology to the American people for the passport fiasco in early summer. Why do we not see a senior DHS person apologizing for the inept way the USCIS is being run? The difference is simple. We are immigrants, and are asking for a benefit which is offered as a privilege and not a right.

However, there are plenty of options provided by the system to all immigrants. Calling the Service Centers is one method, when that fails, you can try the InfoPass, if that does not satisfy you, there is the USCIS Ombudsman, if all else fails, provided that you can afford it, you can hire a lawyer and get a judge to issue a "habeas corpus" or any of the other legal means and force the hand of the USCIS to provide results. Yes, it is a lengthy process but still there are avenues and checks and balances provided by the system which can and should be utilized to the fullest extent that the law guarantees. But make use of common sense.

Calling every day/week/month, for months asking the same questions, not only doesn't make sense but also is kind of useless. Believe me, calling USCIS to get your address changed every other week will not "trigger" an approval. A lengthy Letter to the congressman will trigger a one page form letter with a signature stamped by the administrative staff of the congressman and/or senator to the FBI will not put your case on the fast track. The congressmen/senators will not do much beyond that being the politicians they are as you cannot vote, well, not for at least another 5 years. And 5 years in politics is an eternity. What it will do however, is that it will engage some resources of the USCIS towards these distractions and keep them from doing their regular work, and tax the already overloaded and inefficient USCIS, which has finite number of resources to work with in on our cases to begin with. I have been patient all these years, and yes, maybe too reticent, but please be conscious of others as well.

I485 RD June, 2003 (VSC)
I-140 AD Nov, 2005 (VSC)
I485 Tr'ffrd to TSC April, 2007
NameCheck Pending since Dec, 2004 (as per Infopass, May 2007)
Wrote to USCIS Ombudsman June, 2007
5th EAD July, 2007
Let me clarify a couple of comments that I made which need further scrutiny.

1. I have divided the rant into paragraphs for easy reading (gb04).

2. Please don't think I am not frustrated. That I am. But I also am a realist. Like I said, there are rampant problems with USCIS. People who applied with me and after me, and yet after them have been approved. Same country, same qualifications, similar jobs, same kind of names, ethnicity, background etc etc.

3. I did not call any of the unorthodox ways as "backdoor" procedures. Anything that is not advertised on the USCIS website is not the normal route. And is considered a "shortcut". Letters to congressmen/senators/FL/FM or SM or even SL all act as sand in the gears and not as grease as you put it RunninSloth.

vvvunlucky, The reason why I vented here was precisely my frustration with the workings of the USCIS. I am not defending the USCIS. I am just airing my observations. Maybe my case and yours is one of the "111,000 missing files" that USCIS somehow "lost". Read all about it here... (

I also do not appreciate the small monkey wrenches that countless people throw into the already inefficient machinery that is called USCIS. These "backdoors" (borrowing the phrase from RunninSloth) do not help anyone. As everyone agrees there is no pattern nor structure to the process, how can you be sure that these "shortcuts" resulted in approvals? In my humble and personal opinion, all they did was slow the already inept and klutzy USCIS express steam engine.

Please feel free to follow the USCIS guidelines as you read them. Unlike USDOL, USCIS does not restrict enquiries from elected representative or community based representatives. If fact, there 1-800 phone lines allows the community based representatives to speak for you.
Now, if they won't process you case (even mine, been waiting for 6 years) and we should'nt call them (according to you)-what else can we do but wait.
I am sorry, I'd rather seek help than sit idle.
Dear Idaho,

You think this is not constant struggle? Living in limbo is the one of the worst forms of aggravation. But it doesn't make sense to me to get all frustrated and lose one's wits and keep banging your head against the wall.

And no, I have never used the POJ method, to tell you the truth, I don't even know what it is. I presume it is a sequence of numbers that provides direct access to the IO by "cutting" through the line of all those other unfortunate people who are waiting on hold.

All men are created equal, but some people are more equal than others. Like you and me and other first generation immigrants as opposed to the citizens whose ancestors had to go through a lots worse stuff to become citizens.

What you are preaching is that the end justifies the means? That is your opinion and as opinions go, we all live with our own.

But I do agree with your last point. I-485 denial is rare but is possible.
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Outsource To India

I can agree for 50%. why they issue 2 different A# and still not fixed for me?Do I need to contact senator or President?I used POJ techneque for 4 times and then still workign on it for assigning the A#.I called FBI and they said they dont have my A# for that EAC?where my namecheck goes?so the best option is to call IO and I cant have info pass during the working day.Why I have to waste my working day to goto infopass or spending tons of dollars to lawyer for this case.I can give advice to USCIS to outsource or OFFSHORE their work to INDIA to work on all pending cases including the NAMECHECK process(assign to CBI) :)
Can someone qualify this? Does calling an IO slow the system down?
The fact that this system adjudicated 60000 cases in a few days WHILE they were fielding all our calls, etc goes to show what they can do.
Lets give them some room & say that they increased their efficiency 200% during this crunch they should be able to adjudicate 20000 cases every week, shouldn't they?

If not, why not?

So what are these people doing when they are not responding to your status inquiry on the phone?

- if people had gone with the flow - thousands of people wouldn't have had the chance to file for 485 & EAD this month....

I never said they are efficient did I? But if I wanted to move molasses I would not add more syrup to it.

I also never said that you sit tight and wait. I have worked within the system as I see fit. Being in the situation that I am right now, I do not want to add another second to someone else's wait time by being selfish and working around the system.
Hi GCLingum
It was nice piece of suggestions and observation.100% correct.I am sure USCIS will not be able to find a better spokesman then you.Send your resume to them along with this published article.:D :) I am sure they will love to take you.BTW the spokesman of USCIS is a highly visible job.Take it easy man.

That is a funny thought blessed :D

A better idea could be that I could become their consultant and help them identify and close all these loopholes ("shortcuts") that cause them to be distracted from their real job of being a government worker? And we all know what that is... playing solitaire! ;)

Why dont you try the listed options and see if you can get approved, if so then we will continue this topic, until then it will be hard to accept your point.

I agree partly with GcLingam

I agree (based on mine and my friend's exp) that all these things/tricks we do for GC approval seems not really help us in getting GC approved. Even the EAD tricks which has worked in my case , I am nor sure whether it was chance ? But I fully agree with GClingam that we should not become joke by doing some weird thing e.g. writing to First Lady. In India that’s why they had appointed singles like Kalam/Bajpai/mayawati to avoid this shortcut . I read that thread “ writing to first lady is not working “. Can some one ( literate and educated who understand the office/chair position ) who has written to Laura Bush tell me what is the locus standee of first lady in FBI name check process ? Tomorrow some one among us may write to UN general secretary and he may forward that letter (without even looking into this letter ) to US foreign affairs dept and in turn that may be forwarded to FBI and may be get cleared by FBI. The guys come here and post in the forum to let people know how smart and innovative he is. Next day guess what.1000 applications to UN-forwarded to US-FBI-Trash-letter to candidate saying it is under process. Now should we make ourselves joke ? But yes it gives satisfaction that we did something. But calling them not sure that they will work better. No big no. Assuming we were calling them as usual they cleared 60K in 2-3 weeks shows calling was not affecting them. My take on this thread of GClingum is , yes we should resort to shortcut in extreme cases when nothing works but again shortcut will give u some solace only. My friend has done all shortcuts like Letter to abc…z. nothing worked. Yes he got replies.


Why dont you try the listed options and see if you can get approved, if so then we will continue this topic, until then it will be hard to accept your point.

Well said blessed_by_INS. :)

One of the aspects where I really agree with GCLingum is that some very selfish and non-deserving people did spoil some of these channels for the real-deserving people. For example, I feel very bad for the people who are stuck in name check for 3 years. The letters to FL, Congrssman etc could have worked for them but now those channels seem to be closed just because there are people who sent to Congressman and Senetors for being stuck in name check for 2 months. I mean how will a senators/congrsssmen/FL distingush between thousands of cases and scan really deserving cases... they will for sure feel people are using and abusing their systems (although we all are not).

I agree (based on mine and my friend's exp) that all these things/tricks we do for GC approval seems not really help us in getting GC approved. Even the EAD tricks which has worked in my case , I am nor sure whether it was chance ? But I fully agree with GClingam that we should not become joke by doing some weird thing e.g. writing to First Lady. In India that’s why they had appointed singles like Kalam/Bajpai/mayawati to avoid this shortcut . I read that thread “ writing to first lady is not working “. Can some one ( literate and educated who understand the office/chair position ) who has written to Laura Bush tell me what is the locus standee of first lady in FBI name check process ? Tomorrow some one among us may write to UN general secretary and he may forward that letter (without even looking into this letter ) to US foreign affairs dept and in turn that may be forwarded to FBI and may be get cleared by FBI. The guys come here and post in the forum to let people know how smart and innovative he is. Next day guess what.1000 applications to UN-forwarded to US-FBI-Trash-letter to candidate saying it is under process. Now should we make ourselves joke ? But yes it gives satisfaction that we did something. But calling them not sure that they will work better. No big no. Assuming we were calling them as usual they cleared 60K in 2-3 weeks shows calling was not affecting them. My take on this thread of GClingum is , yes we should resort to shortcut in extreme cases when nothing works but again shortcut will give u some solace only. My friend has done all shortcuts like Letter to abc…z. nothing worked. Yes he got replies.
My sincere suggestion

I would urge anyone and everyone who has been stuck in the "Name Check" aka background check process should go to the USCIS ombudsman's website and fill out the DHS Form 7001 at the following link:

Please read the instructions provided on the page. It does not take long to do this, however it would be best if you have already tried the 1-800 number multiple times and have had at least one InfoPass appointment.

This is one of the "front door" approaches and should help some deserving people. I am waiting for a reply from USCIS. The Ombudsman's office has promised me they have forwarded my case to USCIS which will reply within 45 days.

Name check process is one of the major quagmires that the Ombudsman has identified in it's latest report and I am sure they would appreciate it if people could compliment that with actual number of cases of those affected seeking help.

Best of luck to everyone! And please update us with your progress.