Time for a Break- Long Weekend


Registered Users (C)
I think it is Time for a break and relax the next three days, recoup our strengths and ......
Get at each others throat from Tuesday. I have an interesting case to make life lighter; here it is:
Long ago, a clever mathematician used to cheat people.Once he borrowed
$4000/- from a rich man.After a few days, he borrowed Rs.2000/-from the same
man. Many days passed, the mathematician did not return the money to the
rich man.

The rich man went to the mathematician and asked to return the money.But to his great surprise, the mathematician replied that he had already paid the debt.
"See here, friend" said the mathematician " the sum of 4000 and 2000
is equal to zero, so I do not have any balance to pay".

The rich man took the matter to the court.When the judge came to know this, he was astonished.He asked the mathematician to prove that sum of 4000 and 2000 is zero, but not 6000. The Clever mathematician agreed.
He said "let a = 4000 , b = 2000 and c = 6000"

a + b =c

Multiply both sides by a + b

a + b) (a + b) = c (a + b)

a*a + ab + ba + b*b = ca + cb

a*a + ab - ca = cb - b*b - ba

a( a + b -c) = -b(b + a - c)

so a = -b

a + b =0

Hence by putting the values of "a" and "b" as 4000 and 2000 respectively,
their sum! is zero, so the mathematician saw no need to pay any money to the rich man.
The above calculation I am sure has surprised you as it did the judge??!!

A good one.....................

Interesting to see no one scolded you so far for putting this message....................
only if you are Habib you\'ll be surprised.

a( b + a - c) = -b(a + b - C)

does not mean that a= -b but it means EITHER (a + b) = 0 which in turn means a = -b


(a + b - c) = 0 in which case a + b = c.

Now i know there are a lot of people smarter than me on this board.
I just posted this because i didnt want people like Habib trying to solve it over the long weekend and of course never succeedindg.

Y\'all have a good one

Ps: Also $4000 and Rs.2000?? Hawala?
well, the trick is

a(a+b-c) = -b(a+b-c)
only when a+b-c 0, a = -b

when a+b-c = 0, ....

Hope the Judge knows some math.
I dont think its an ONLY but an OR

either or both of them can be zero.
Right? I dont know that much theory though
Precisely !!

This posting was meant to cool down tempers.. We all need to chill out...
Have a Great Long Weekend.

Hey patiencegc--> cool down man... Habib is also human and needs a break..
Send it to INS and I am sure you will get National Waiver

I am sure if you send this to INS they will make you a citizen and offer you job with the Federal governement in the Borrowings and Lendings department.

Everyone have a nice weekend
It will take 100 INS officiers 100 days to solve this

if they stop working on any case. Please, don\'t let us wait such a long time by sending this to INS.